
The call will close on May 15

FotoFilm Festival, Tijuana´s platform for entrepreneur artists

April 26, 2018

In the next three weeks, the call will close for photographers, filmmakers, designers and musicians, both national and international, to be part of the FotoFilm Festival Tijuana activities program that will take place on July 27, 28 and 29 at the esplanade of the Centro Cultural Tijuana (Cecut) and the Cineteca Carlos Monsiváis.

Julio Rodríguez, director of the festival, explained that the call is divided into four general categories with the aim of promoting projects and proposals that enrich the cultural offer of the city and turn this space into a platform for entrepreneurship and professional development.

In the category Exhibitors, new or experienced audiovisual artists who work in the disciplines of photography, cinema, video, documentary, animation and illustration may participate.

Jukebox visual is a permanent programming dynamic during the three days of the event, which will function as a projection space for the works of new and emerging photography and short film artists.

The subcategories to participate are: Animation, Fiction, Videoclip, Documentary and Desde el Norte (From the North). This category is exclusive for creators from the northwest of the country, from the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango.

Applicants to each of the categories of visual Jukebox participate by sending their material, which is a maximum of two years old, via FilmFreeway.

"Once the material has been reviewed and selected, the jury will choose the best short films from each of these categories and will award a prize of 5,000 dollars as a stimulus divided into equal parts for each of them”, said the director.

The winning productions will be shown after the award ceremony during FotoFilm Tijuana 2018.

Several multidisciplinary artists, creative and designers, may present in the category of Art Design, creations inspired by photography and film. Their work will be admired and acquired by the public.

The event will offer a stage for those musical artists, soloists, bands and groups who include at least one song in a soundtrack or film soundtrack.

In addition to motivating the development of the film and photographic industry in the region, the director of FotoFilm highlighted that in parallel and during the event, a space for exchange, creation, promotion and learning is taking place that reinforces the city of Tijuana as a tourist destination, artistic production and talent search.

"Last year we received 450 documentaries, of which 117 were selected and broadcast at different times over the three days”.

At the moment, and with three weeks to go before the deadline, 110 works received in the different categories, mainly fiction, have been counted.

To give us an idea of the impact that FotoFilm Festival has generated, Julio Rodríguez said that last year in the first festival there were 41 speakers, 180 participating artists, 30 activities, 14 talks, four panels, three exhibitions and three feature film projects that came out of this event to be awarded and presented in several festival series.

The expectation for this second edition is high, said the organizer, since beyond holding an event of this category in a hall, also the esplanade of the Tijuana Cultural Center is used, which becomes an experience for the visitor, where last year managed to gather about 22,000 spectators.

The call closes on May 15 and for registration you must consult the rules at and fill out the registration form requested. For further details see the social networks of: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: FotoFilm Tijuana.



Mexico,Distrito Federal