
Meeting of the Franco-Mexican Strategic Council held in Paris

April 16, 2018

Paris, France.- The meeting of the Franco-Mexican Strategic Council (CEFM, for its acronym in Spanish) was held on Monday, April 16 with the participation of the Secretary of Culture, María Cristina García Cepeda and the co-presidents of the CEFM, Pierre-André de Chalendar and Fernando Chico Pardo, for the conservation of projects and initiatives that strengthen the relationship between the two nations, which to date have signed 110 agreements in several areas of international cooperation.

The Department of Culture and the Government of France and its Ministry of Culture signed the legal cooperation instrument for the restoration of the San Bernardino de Siena Convention Complex in Xochimilco and the San Francisco de Asís Temple in Puebla, both of which were affected by the earthquakes of September 2017 in Mexico.

 She recalled that in October 2017 she received in Mexico the visit of the minister of Culture, Françoise Nyssen in which France extended her helping hand to Mexico after the earthquakes of September which affected 2,000 buildings of cultural, architectural and historical heritage in 11 states of the Republic.

The French-Mexican Strategic Council (CEFM) was created jointly by the then President of the French Republic, François Hollande, and his Mexican counterpart, Enrique Peña Nieto, during the first official meeting of the two Heads of State in October 2012 and became operational in July 2013.

María Cristina García Cepeda se congratuló que ambos países trabajen en el objetivo de la protección de los bienes culturales tangibles e intangibles que nos dan un sitio en la historia y un sentido de pertenencia y, reconoció a Francia como un país de gran tradición en materia de protección del patrimonio cultural y un ejemplo de liderazgo para las instituciones mundiales.

Maria Cristina Garcia Cepeda welcomed the fact that both countries are working towards the protection of tangible and intangible cultural property, which gives us a place in history and a sense of belonging, and recognized France as a country with a great tradition in the protection of cultural heritage and an example of leadership for world institutions.

"The agreement that Minister Nyssen and I signed this morning opens a new chapter in the bilateral relationship which, I am sure, will receive permanent support from this Council. Restoring these emblematic works means to enrich the future, through memory, by valuing the history that belongs to all of us, which is the source of the richness of humanity".

She said that France is a nation that has made its culture a solid international reference and a source of voices, works, expressions and ideas that feed the world. And at the same time, Mexico is a country that is distinguished by its cultural diversity, its millennial legacy, the roots that feed the wings we are today that mark the path of the future.

"Carlos Fuentes wrote that Mexico and France, acting together, have a great constructive work ahead of them. For the reason. "This constructive work is in the reason of the memory, in the traces of the built past, in the rich heritage, in the friendship that unites France and Mexico, said María Cristina García Cepeda.

After the meeting with the Franco-Mexican Strategic Council, the Secretary of Culture continued her working visit to Paris on a tour of the Musée d'Orsay.



Mexico,Distrito Federal