
20th anniversary celebration

International Dance Exhibition Tijuana, a showcase for the world of dance

April 13, 2018

As a wide variety that presents what is done in choreographic matters in different parts of the world, another edition of the International Dance Exhibition Tijuana is ready. Cuerpos en tránsito (Bodies in Transit) celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

From April 19 to 24, this dance gathering to be held at the Centro Cultural Tijuana (Cecut), will be attended by companies from Mexico, Brazil and Costa Rica in a full program of activities including master classes, talks, workshops, round tables, jams, video dance shows, in addition to artistic presentations.

 Jorge Domínguez, founder of this meeting, assured that it is a great pleasure to reach these first 20 years, "this means that it has had a very deep acceptance in the community and to reach this anniversary is a great pleasure for everyone. As a founder, I feel doubly satisfied to know that something that was proposed, found an echo, and has been nourished by the contributions of the artistic community of Tijuana and the country”.

For this anniversary we will have guests from Costa Rica and Brazil, because the exhibition seeks every year to bring together different artistic proposals, "because that is the very foundation of making an event of this nature, to be able to function as a wide variety that is being done in the world, in different countries and to be a little updated, to surprise you with the things that are done in other countries and at the same time, to equate and value what is done at home”.

In this case, the public will be able to enjoy the artistic shows of the companies Los INnato and Lasafueras from Costa Rica and Focus Cia Dança from Brazil, which, as Jorge Domínguez pointed out, are different proposals from what is done in Mexico.

These groups, he said, "always bring a surprise, an element of discordance in what one understands as dance and that is a great motivation for the spectators, as well as the national companies that are going to perform, are putting in a frame of reference what we do in the city. I think in every sense, it's a party for everyone”.

This edition opens on Thursday April 19 with the Retrospective: 20 years of Bodies in transit, in which the Dance Group Minerva Tapia and Subterráneo Contemporary Dance of Gregorio Coral will participate, who have had an important presence in this exhibition, as well as the company Contracuerpo of Jorge Domínguez himself, who will share the stage to pay tribute to the work carried out over these 20 years.

There will also be companies such as Cuarto Fractal, which makes a cross between painting and dance, and the group Antares, which with La Manga Video made a work that has had a very favorable response. There will also be workshops in different areas of interest, from aspects of urban improvisation to the details printed on the productions by each creator.

The XX International Dance Exhibition Tijuana will close with the presentation of Contracuerpo and the piece Preguntas sin respuesta inspired by the book Leer la mente by Jorge Volpi, where the text itself is part of the work.

All the activities of Bodies in transit to see the dancers in action and talk about dance will be held at the Tijuana Cultural Center from April 19-24. Admission is free.


Mexico,Distrito Federal