
Collaboration Agreement signed by the Department of Culture and the Organization of Ibero-American States

April 12, 2018

The Department of Culture, through the Directorate General of International Affairs, and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), signed a Collaboration Agreement whose objective is to unite efforts to undertake joint cooperation actions in the promotion, development and dissemination of cultural programs and activities.

At the meeting held at the headquarters of the Department of Culture on Wednesday, April 11, the Director General of International Affairs of the Department of Culture, Jimena Lara Estrada, and the Director and Representative in Mexico of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), Arturo Velázquez, signed the document that follows up the agreements signed in 2001 and 2013 between the two institutions.

Jimena Lara stated that this agreement corroborates institutional cooperation and will increase the efficiency of cultural dissemination efforts between the Department of Culture and the IEO.

For his part, Arturo Velázquez said that this agreement opens new windows of opportunity with innovations in cultural projects that can strengthen the relationship between education, science and culture, in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development and the aims of Agenda 2030 proposed by the United Nations.

Based on this agreement, several projects and activities will be carried out, among them: the 2018 Prize for the Promotion of Reading and Writing, whose objective is to learn, recognize and disseminate the experiences of those who promote reading and writing in Mexico. This project involves: the Department of Culture of the Government of the Republic, the Department of Public Education, the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), the National Chamber of the Mexican Publishing Industry (Caniem), the Association of Bookstores of Mexico (ALMAC) and the National Institute of Indigenous Languages (Inali).

Also, work will be done to find joint mechanisms to carry out projects focused on academic training in cultural policies and cultural management.

The First International Congress to Promote Reading in Indigenous Languages, to be held in Oaxaca in June, will identify successful experiences in the promotion of mediation of reading in indigenous and Creole languages in the Ibero-American region for dissemination and collective discussion. As a result of the congress there will be recommendations for the strengthening of this important activity for the preservation, dissemination and teaching of indigenous languages.


Mexico,Distrito Federal