
From January 25 to January 28

CEART-Mexicali is consolidated as an iconic space for the arts

January 23, 2018

The State Arts Center (CEART, for its acronym in Spanish)-Mexicali was inaugurated in January 2005 and since then it has become a space of convergence aimed at raising the quality of professional practice in the field of creation, education and artistic research, through academic programs and high-level dissemination in which prestigious creators and specialists participate.

A 13th anniversary celebration as an iconic space of the state, national and international arts will be held from January 25 to January 28 through a program of dance, theater, music and an exhibition of plastic and visual arts. Entrance will be free but limited space.

This was announced by Miguel Cetto Kramis, director of CEART-Mexicali who, in an interview with the Department of Culture, said that the goal of the celebration will be to endorse the commitment of the center with the Baja California community to offer a wide and generous academic and artistic offer.

 “The idea is to remind us that for 13 years CEART has been serving its community. Also to show that we are a project that is the spearhead of the arts in our state that has five centers, something that is not observed in much of the country because there are towns that do not even have one”.

 “This celebration means a lot because it is a way of having the physical and human infrastructure to beat the indicators in cultural consumption habits that have located us down to the bottom in the statistics of the Department of Culture”.

 Las actividades de la celebración iniciarán el jueves 25 de enero, a las 19:00 horas, con la inauguración de la exposición Selección de Ganadores de la Bienal de Artes Plásticas y Visuales de Baja California (Ediciones I-XX) que ofrecerá un recorrido cronológico por la evolución de la plástica en Baja California.

The activities of the celebration will begin on Wednesday January 25, at 7 p.m. with the opening of the exhibition Selection of Winners of the Biennial of Plastic and Visual Arts of Baja California (Ediciones I-XX) that will offer a chronological tour of the evolution of plastic arts in Baja California.

"It offers us the opportunity to see in a very wide panoramic view what the trajectory of Baja California plastic arts has been over 40 years and to be able to have points of reference and comparison of how our plastic creators have been developing their work", added Kramis

On Friday January 26th, at 7 p.m., the contemporary dance group Tranze Producciones will present the show Medium.

This is a group of young people from different parts of Baja California who seek to generate through the arts a concern in human beings, regarding their participation in the world around them and the way it impacts their environment.

On Saturday January 27, at 7 p.m. the legendary Tijuana band Pachuco Blues will perform a rock and blues concert.

The band consisted of the musician Ismael Vidal (guitar, a solo and lead vocals), Ramses Ríos (drums), Abraham Morales (bass), Carlos Nevárez (percussion) and Víctor Vital (keyboard), will perform hits by artists such as Santana, Eric Clapton, The Temptations, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones and The Doors.

Finally, on Sunday January 28 at 12:00 noon, there will be a children's theatre matinee. The play La Nave will be presented by the Colectivo de Teatro en Espiral, an emblematic group of children's theatre in town.

The play is the story of two inseparable friends: Nando and Yiyo, who seek to build a ship to help them navigate the galaxies. The play, aimed at primary school children, also talks about materializing ideas, friendship and developing talents and dreams with freedom of play.

 “Also, we will be in the registration period for our more than 40 different artistic education courses in music, dance, plastic arts, theatre and literature”, said Miguel Cetto Kramis

Finally, the director of CEART-Mexicali revealed that they will seek to consolidate their academic offer to have validity and official recognition this year.

 “Little by little, we will look for seminars and residences that will allow us to offer continuing education training for artists in a professional way”.

 “The anniversary of CEART is only a pretext to approach the spaces that offer academic and cultural activities free of charge or at a symbolic cost. For that reason I invite you to participate in these activities because we must not miss the opportunity to have this contact with the arts through the State Arts Centers of Baja California”.

The State Arts Center (CEART)-Mexicali is the result of collaboration between the Department of Culture, through the Centro Nacional de las Artes, and the Government of the State of Baja California, through its Institute of Culture.

The building is located in Calzada de los Presidentes s/n, corner. Victoria, Mexicali, Baja California. For further information, please visit: and


Mexico,Distrito Federal