
Björk´s digital universe is coming too

Expected exhibitions will arrive in Mexico in 2018

January 17, 2018

During 2018, museum spaces managed by the Department of Culture of the Government of the Republic will delight local and foreign visitors by hosting the art of Caravaggio, Björk, Kandinsky, Cerith Wyn Evans, among other creators.

One of Michelangelo Merisi Da Caravaggio's (1572, Milan, Italy) masterpieces, on loan from the Musei Capitolini of Italy, will be exhibited from February 22nd to July 1st at the National Museum of Art (Munal, for its acronym in Spanish).

In 2016, a painting of this artist arrive in Chile, now this is happening again as it is coming to Mexico. The exhibition Caravaggio. From Italy to Mexico will be made up of national and international works and an immersive experience, with which the visitor will be able to study thoroughly the baroque art world.

Treasures from the Hispanic Society of America. Visions of the Hispanic world, exhibited from April to September 2017 at the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain, will arrive at the Palace of Fine Arts Museum.

The exhibition has assembled paintings, drawings and sculptures, archaeological and decorative arts pieces, as well as textiles, furniture, manuscripts and documents from the Hispanic Society, a New York-based institution created for the dissemination and study of Spanish culture in the United States of America.

From February 10 to May 6, the Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo will present the first monographic exhibition by Cerith Wyn Evans in Mexico, featuring twelve pieces produced in the last ten years.

The exhibition will be based on neon sculptures, kinetic and organic elements, sound pieces, and a series of Murano chandeliers and will seek to provoke sensory and temporal experiences in the public. Together, these elements will create an immersive environment to challenge the notions of perception, cognition, subjectivity and reality.

The Tamayo museum will also host Listening with the eyes: Sound art in Spain made up of works from the Juan March Foundation. It will be possible to appreciate the origins, the diversity of trajectories and the vitality of sound art made in Spain since 1961 to the present day.

It plans to show sound by emphasizing its artistic aspects: the resonance of sound space and its relation with architecture, silence and the limit of the audible, asynchrony and rhythmic sound processes, the vibratory insistence of sound and its feeling in the body, the obsolescence of technology and its relation with collective memory.

The Centro Nacional de las Artes will host the immersive exhibition A Reflection and Exhibition of Virtual Reality in the World. Björk Digital and its visual artists, which presents digital and video works, the result of the collaboration of the iconic Icelandic artist with some of the best programmers and visual artists in the world.

As part of the exhibition, which has been on display in Tokyo, Sydney, Montreal, Reykjavik, London, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires and Barcelona, a public program with parallel recreational and academic activities will be developed, with the aim of providing visitors with the theoretical tools necessary to interpret the various uses of the image through new media.

Other exhibitions to be presented in 2018 are Footprints of Buddha, Mexico’s Mayan Codex (Códice Grolier) at the National Museum of Anthropology; Kandinsky, with pieces from museums of Great Britain and Russia, and Vatican: from San Pedro to Francisco, at the Old School of San Ildefonso.

Mexico,Distrito Federal