
Successful fourth edition of The 24 Hour Plays Mexico

December 14, 2017

The theater community was united, supportive and committed during the 4th edition of The 24 Hour Plays Mexico, held on December 13 at the Centro Cultural Helénico.

The funds raised were granted for the reconstruction of El Círculo Teatral, structurally affected by the earthquake of September 19.

 Six playwrights, six directors, 15 actresses, 15 actors and six executive producers accepted the challenge of writing, directing, acting and producing an unpublished play just one night before the performance.

 The result was visible to the public through a varied programme that brought together different generations of actors on the same stage, both those dedicated exclusively to theater and others who have developed a career in television.

 The first play was 209 huesos, written by Jimena Eme, the youngest of the dramatists who participated in this edition, directed by Ana Francis Mor.

With humour, the play told the story of an old maid who, after spending a long time in search of love, finds her ideal man and decides to introduce him to her friends. However, everyone is surprised when they realize that it is a human skeleton.

The cast members were: Ana Graham, Luis Arrieta, Sophié Alexander Katz and Esmeralda Pimentel.

The second piece was Esfinge, written by Flavio González Mello and directed by Arturo Beristain, in which the actors Adrián Alarcón, Antonio Vega, Daniela Zavala, Gonzalo García and Mercedes Olea conveyed the anguish and despair faced by a work team as they tried to eliminate a strange virus that tormented them with a series of questions.

In a tribute to the filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar, the playwright Hugo Alfredo Hinojosa offered the short story of Icaria, directed by Nora Manneck, in which a transsexual eager to meet the daughter he procreated with his wife more than 15 years ago decides to return home and face the ghosts of his past. Ana Kupfer, Cassandra Sánchez Navarro, Marcus Ornelas, Claudia Ramírez, Judith Inda participated in the proposal.

One of the most moving stories of the evening was La balada de las cosas perdidas by David Olguín, directed by Luis de Tavira, with performances by Christian Magaloni, Jorge Ortíz de Pinedo, José Daniel Figueroa, Ricardo Rodríguez and Paulette Hernández.

The brief set up reflects on how family inheritances are sometimes very tough, through the details of an assault in which a man refuses to give the thieves a backpack containing his father's inheritance, during the struggle he is shot, the thieves run away and when they check the bag they only find a worn-out watch.

The peculiar meeting between doctors and prostitutes took place in Gotas de hiel, written by Alejandro Román and directed by Victor Carpinterio, with the participation of Ángeles Marín, Fernanda Tosky, Sergio Bonilla, Yolanda Ventura and Austin Morgan.

Finally, playwright Silvia Ortega Vettoretti and director José Manuel López Velarde presented the intricate dialogue between a psychiatrist and hospital patients. The cast included Adrián Ladrón, Landa García, Bruno Bichir, Dobrina Cristeva and Anilú Pardo.

Mexico,Distrito Federal