
It hosts the School of Artistic Initiation associated with INBA

Inauguration of the Regional Cultural Center of Zimapán, Hidalgo

December 12, 2017

Zimapán, Hidalgo. In a ceremony led by the Secretary of Culture, María Cristina García Cepeda and the governor of the state, Omar Fayad Meneses, the Collaboration Agreement was signed yesterday between the Department of Culture of the Government of the Republic and the Government of the State of Hidalgo, in addition to the inauguration of the Regional Cultural Center of Zimapán and its School of Artistic Initiation associated with INBA.

 “To be here today is an example of the cross-cutting work that we are promoting from the Department of Culture and to reiterate that we are going hand in hand with the Government of the State of Hidalgo; this is how the sum of wills makes it possible to carry out cultural programs that reach the heart of the communities so that they become a happy habit”, said María Cristina García Cepeda.

 “We celebrate this new Regional Cultural Center in Zimapán and the signing of the Collaboration Agreement with the conviction that "education and culture are the pillars of freedom", as the Hidalguense poet Alfonso Cravioto wrote. With the inhabitants of the town and their deep cultural tradition, this Regional Cultural Center will be a space where art and culture will provide life experiences for all Zimapán”, added the Secretary of Culture.

The head of Culture invited the people of Zimapán to make this house their own, to "inhabit this space of creation and talent where new friendships and vocations will be awakened around culture; where art will extend to life and links will be woven between education and culture".

 Governor of Hidalgo, Omar Fayad, said that the opening of the Regional Culture Center of Zimapán evidences his administration’s support for culture projects undertaken by society and added that this is the policy of his government, which last September accomplished its first year of management.

The Regional Cultural Center of Zimapán was built in a land granted by the Government of the state of Hidalgo, with a federal investment of $6.8 million pesos, through various programs of the Department of Culture. The state administration took care of the equipment with an investment of approximately 500,000 pesos.

The building consists of two music and two plastic art classrooms, as well as performing arts, literary creation and multiple uses rooms. The auditorium for 80 people is the work site of the Colectivo Comunitario de Fotografía de Hidalgo and the areas are arranged in two levels.

For the creation of the School of Artistic Initiation associated with the National Institute of Fine Arts, this institution was accompanied throughout the process by consultants, plan of studies and selection of teachers and instructors. The Center offers classes in dance, music, visual arts, literary creation, theater, and currently 180 students are enrolled.

In his speech, the mayor of Zimapán, Erik Marte Rivera explained that the children of Zimapán want to form an orchestra although they have to borrow some instruments, so the Secretary of Culture, María Cristina García Cepeda promised to support the creation of Zimapán’s children’s orchestra in order to the children do not have to borrow more instruments, because they will have their own.

At the end of the speeches of the government officials, the Choir of Children Singers of Hidalgo - integrated by children and young people - performed an emotional interpretation of Cielito lindo from the acoustic shell built in the back of the auditorium. The audience celebrated with long applause the performance of the choir, who greeted the members of the presidium.

The event was also attended by the general director of Cultural Link of the Department of Culture, Antonio Crestani; the secretary of Culture of Hidalgo, José Olaf Hernández Sánchez; the federal deputy, Guadalupe Chávez Acosta; the local legislator, Margarita Ramos Villeda; and the director of the Regional Cultural Center of Zimapán, Adriana Ortega Ávila.



Mexico,Distrito Federal