
From November 28th to December 1st

International Organ Festival names Morelia as Creative City of Music

November 22, 2017

With the Monumental Cathedral of Morelia as a host and the organ San Gregorio Magno, dated from the beginning of the 20th century, the 51st edition of the Morelia Alfonso Vega Núñez International Organ Festival (FIOM, for its acronym in Spanish) will take place with Italy, South Korea, Argentina and Puerto Rico, as well as Mexico as guests of honor.

This is an event of tradition, internationally recognized and carried out for 50 years without interruption, which was essential for Morelia to be recently named by UNESCO as Creative City of Music, said Juan Bosco Vega Parrales, organizer of the event.

He added that 64 cities were nominated this year, but Morelia was the only one in Mexico to be nominated for music, while Guadalajara and Mexico City were recognized in the visual arts field.

It is worth noting that Morelia's music festivals include the Festival de Música de Morelia Miguel Bernal Jiménez, Festival del Mariachi, Festival de Música y Artes Sonoras Visiones Sonoras, Festival Internacional de Órgano de Morelia, Festival de la Guitarra, to mention a few.

For this edition of the FIOM, which will be held from November 28 to December 1, a new location will be added: the Diocesan Seminary,"where two tubular organs will make their debut, small but very beautiful, given the fact that one is French and the other Dutch and they were recently acquired by the Seminary and will be announced in this concert-meeting”, reported Vega Parrales.

The opening concert will be decorated with Argentina and South Korea as guest countries, with the participation of organist Matías Sagreras, from the Basilica of Buenos Aires and the director of the Seoul Symphony Orchestra, Ghum Kim, who will be accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of the State of Michoacán and the Apostleship of the Cross Choir.

On Wednesday, November 29th, the Diocesan Seminary will be opened at 17:00 hours, with a concert-meeting by the Mexican organist Rafael Martínez; later, at 21:00 hours, the Sacred Music Concert will take place in the Cathedral with the performances of the organists Mario Macedo and Juan Carlos Malagón, as well as the Choir of the Superior Institute of Sacred Music of Morelia.

Este el concierto-conferencia será muy especial, reiteró Bosco, porque además se hablará del origen de estos instrumentos, cómo es su funcionamiento, qué tipo de mantenimiento requieren y cuál es la razón por la que se adquirieron.

This concert-meeting will be very special, because it will also talk about the origin of these instruments, how they work, what kind of maintenance they require and why they were acquired, said Bosco.

 “It will be a very interesting concert because, although it will be performed in another place, it also has a special magic for having the two newly acquired tubular organs”.

On Thursday 30th, the Didactic Concert will be held free of charge in the Cathedral, at 18:00 hours, where elementary and high school students will be present.

Afterwards, the event will be followed by the performance of the Italian organist Maurizio Mancino,, while on Friday the closing recital will be held with the presence of Puerto Rico as a guest country and the organist Andrés Mojica, as well as the Chamber Orchestra of the Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo.

It should be noted that the expected attendace for this fifty-first edition is 16,000 people, taking into account that the Monumental Cathedral has room for about 2,500 people, said Juan Bosco Vega.

Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased at Boulevard Garcia de Leon number 1765, while outside the Cathedral will be sold on concert days from 16:00 hours.

Mexico,Distrito Federal