
Alan Glass´s outstading art was awarded the Fine Arts Medal

November 16, 2017

Plastic artist Alan Glass, who on November 15, received the Fine Arts Medal in the Sala Manuel M. Ponce of the Palace of Fine Arts, was defined as an artist of powerful and outstanding imagination, unique, utopian, poetic, of delicate sensibility, subtle gaze and creator of extraordinary universes.

The ceremony was attended by Lidia Camacho, general director of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA, for its acronym in Spanish); Magdalena Zavala Bonachea, national coordinator of Visual Arts at INBA; Tere Arcq, curator and art historian; and Alberto Blanco, poet, translator and essayist.

This creator was given the award by INBA for his outstanding career and because his work has contributed to the national culture.

Minutes before giving the medal, Lidia Camacho stood out the importance of Glass to whom she defined as a powerful and abundant artist of imagination who for over 50 years of artistic trajectory has given life to multiple universes in boxes, watercolors, drawings, collages and oils.

The director highlighted that he is an artist who creates unique works, complete in themselves and full of vital poetry. She added that his work opens windows to the inner world of the subconscious, eroticism, nature, poetry and the oneiric.   

Also, she said that it was an honor for her to give the medal to this alchemist creator, of delicate sensitivity and subtle gaze, who has devoted his life and talent to the search for art.

She added that his work is of great beauty and originality, and for this reason it has been admired by many in Mexico, but also in Canada, France, the United States, Spain and Germany.

 “The Department of Culture and the National Institute of Fine Arts recognize the merits and trajectory of more than half a century of an endearing creator for the visual arts community, especially appreciated for his extraordinary human quality and the prominent place his work holds in the development of art in our country.”  

 “Mexico welcomes with generosity and affection those who like you contribute to the appreciation of our cultural legacy and the enrichment of our social life. Community and institutions celebrate the privilege of having you among our own”, she said.

Tere Arcq stated that Alan Glass is a human being of perfect integrity and an author of works from an extraordinary universe, which embody all the ideals of surrealism: an exaltation of the imagination, the exploration of the world of dreams and the unconscious.

Also, the recovery of the amazement and innocence of childhood, the discovery of objective chance, the use of play and humor, the absolute rejection of the rules and dictates of reason, and the permanent search to combine in life and art the three surrealist ideals par excellence: love, freedom and poetry.

 “He is an outstanding creator for his great artistic career and to this day Alan spends his days and nights locked away in his house dedicated with an amazing passion to the creation of his magic boxes. This deserved recognition must extend far beyond our Mexican lands, to all corners of the world where surrealism has been and continues to be an untiring source of inspiration”, said the specialist in surrealist studies.

While Alberto Blanco said that Alan Glass is an exceptional artist and creator of boxes where everything can be seen, where there is a window and a glass where the night is reflected over and over again, and which in turn become the mirror of the everyday world and other worlds.

The visual artist said that in Glass's work there is more than time, something that vibrates and transmits messages, something pure that touches, shakes and moves for its beauty, but above all for its absolute sincerity.

 “It is one of the most successful, significant and profoundly authentic works that have been carried out in the Mexico that we lived and which are inspired by surrealist, symbolist and romantic style”.

Finally, the writer said that Glass's works are admirable, utopian, out of time, unique and where hearts of religion, gods and times beat.

 “Living hearts of human beings who were still, they are, we are able to answer to the call of the first surrealist manifesto: only the marvelous is beautiful and to the formula of the theory of poetic relativity: I am another and Alan is another: a transparent labyrinth”.

Mexico,Distrito Federal