
Secretary of Culture visits the great annual book festival

The 37th edition of the FILIJ is expected to attract the largest attendance in its history

November 14, 2017

After the International Children's and Young People's Book Fair registered one of the largest influxes in its history last Sunday with 82,000 visitors, the secretary of Culture, María Cristina García Cepeda, toured on Tuesday November 14th, various tents, sections, stands and forums located in the Parque Bicentenario for this great book festival.

Marina Núñez Bespalova, General Director of Publications, accompanied the secretary during the tour and informed her that the 37th edition of the FILIJ (for its acronym in Spanish) is expected to achieve the largest attendance in its history.

 The secretary of Culture visited the Baja California state tent where she talked with the workshop instructors and storytellers who offered a session to the children of the Mariano Matamoros primary school.

During the tour, Marina Núñez said that this is one of the fairs that most dialogues with the public in the world and offers the most varied offer, so they receive so many students from schools that can enjoy in the same hour dozens of activities.

They also toured the Department of Public Education's section where the children's books of the New Educational Model Program are located, as well as the scientific activities tent, where the workshop instructors taught the children to create a robot and to know the secrets of various marine species.

 María Cristina García Cepeda was also present at the two babies’ sections of the FILIJ, where a workshop of stories and songs was given to motivate the children to develop their corporal expression between colored cushions.

Afterwards, she went to the Media Forum where jugglers offered a performance and went on to the Geodesic Tent, where Marina Núñez explained the advanced system of enveloping projections that allows attendees to live a three-dimensional experience.

In the National Copyright Institute section, the workshop instructors explained to the secretary the game titled Mi primera obra, Mi primer registro, a kind of dice race where the new authors are shown the process to obtain their certificates for musical, literary and cinematographic works, among others.

 She was also in the Channel 22 section, called Clic Clac, which this year offers visitors a memorandum with various figures in which children can participate to win some prizes.

The tour continued through the Cuentódromo, a space where dozens of children from the Miguel de Unamuno primary school joined together to listen to several stories based on pre-Hispanic legends.

Marina Núñez said that since the 33rd edition of the FILIJ, in 2013, when 78,000 visitors were registered on a single day, there had not been a weekend with so many visitors, and announced that on the first day of this edition, 30,000 visitors were registered on Friday, October 10th, 63,000 on Saturday 11th and 82,000 on Sunday.




Mexico,Distrito Federal