
To be exhibited from October 6th 2017 to February 11th 2018

The exhibition Liquid Cartographies will travel to Spain

October 02, 2017

Installations, conventional pieces, archives, photographs and videos created by 12 Mexican and Spanish artists about five of the postulates of the sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017), make up the exhibition Liquid Cartographies, to be inaugurated on October 6th at the Artium. Basque Center-Museum of Contemporary Art, in Spain.

The proposals catalogued as interesting, reflective and innovative will be appreciated in Spain after being presented from May 26th to September 17th, 2017, at the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (MACG, for its acronym in Spanish) in Mexico City.

 “The 40th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Spain is celebrated with this exhibition co-produced by both museums”, said Carlos Palacios, one of the curators.

 “Four decades after the restoration of historical relations between the two countries, it was proposed that the exhibition should go beyond the traditional official celebration and that the problems of contemporary fields related to this excluded world of culture, the development of countries and the traditions of the contemporary world be addressed”.

The art historian said that Liquid Cartographies deals with culture in the contemporary field, proposing a cross-cutting reading on the liquid notion of modernity proposed by the Polish philosopher and sociologist of Jewish origin Zygmunt Bauman, according to which human relations and interaction have lost solidity.

To present this proposal, the curators of the exhibition presented the artists six main themes based on the philosophy of the thinker who died in early 2017: Frontier/Limits, Economics, Sustainability, History/Archive, Networks/Communication and Habitat, Carlos Palacios explained.

 “The exhibition presents a curatorial work in which each chapter was intended to bring together a Spanish artist and a Mexican artist where there was a dialogue. It is a great exhibition made up of works that refer directly and transversely to the concepts or derivatives, making a series of relationships and tensions between the artists' works ".

Carlos Palacios said that the image of the exhibition is practically the same as the one presented at the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, as well as the design and script, so in Spain you will see a mirror exhibition.

The pieces made specifically for the Carrillo Gil are modified in terms of presentation, but the works are the same, that is, they are kept in space and what varies is its installation design”, he said.

The teacher in Curatorial Studies at the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College, New York, said regarding the works of Mexican artists Edgardo Aragón, Mauricio Orduña, Miguel Fernández de Castro, Morelos León Celis, Ana Roldán and Emilio Chapela that they have very particular resonances.

 “The artists were invited to collaborate in this project because of their very new formal commitment, but above all for thinking of Mexico in a liquid dimension, even starting from local scenarios and problems”, said Carlos Palacios.

 The exhibition, supported by the Department of Culture, through the National Institute of Fine Arts, Amexcid, and the Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico, is complemented by the pieces of Spanish artists Elena Lavellés, Carlos Aires, Rosel Meseguer, Maider López, Fernando García-Dory and Asunción Molinos Gordo.

The public will enjoy, among other pieces, the installation of photographs Ovni Archive, by Rosell Meseguer, which recreates the archetype of flying saucers rooted in contemporary culture.

In the technique of video and photography, the work presented in a triptych of screens titled Es una catastrofe no encontrar terreno en común, by Emilio Chapela will be appreciated.

Liquid Cartographies will be presented in the South Hall of the Artium. Basque Center-Museum of Contemporary Art, in Spain, from October 6th 2017 to February 18th 2018.

Mexico,Distrito Federal