
Ibero-American artists bring their Living Arts to the Museo del Chopo

August 21, 2017

 Elements of the language of performance, dance, theater, music, cinema and other audiovisual media are combined to give way to original proposals in Bullshit Mex, a showcase of pieces by various Iberoamerican artists that will be held from the August 23 to August 27 at the Museo Universitario del Chopo.

This first edition comes to our country after being presented at the Teatro Pradillo in Madrid in 2016, with the intention of promoting the research processes in Living Arts made by the students of the Master in Scenic Practices and Visual Culture of the University of Castilla La Mancha, generation 2015-2016.

Gabriel Yépez, coordinator of Living Arts at the Museo Universitario del Chopo, explained that this is a way of performance without going through the categorization of disciplines.

"In the last 30 years there is an idea to erase those outlines and limits set out by interdiscipline and multidiscipline to say that they are living arts”.

 In that sense, he assured that Living arts besides including everything that happens before the viewer's eyes, emphasizes the presence of the living body on stage, that is to say the performer.

Twenty artists from Mexico, Spain, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil will participate at Bullshit Mex and will present 18 pieces, including: Cosas que suceden en Mexico (Things that happen in Mexico), by Mexican Magdalena Brezzo, who addresses the situation of the disappeared; Eso que vi (That I saw) by Mexican based in Spain, Manuel Parra García who explores how the media form a type of imaginary and After, by Spanish Alejandría Cinque, who addresses gender identity.

 The spirit that brings together artists and individual artists in this gathering is the reflection on the mutability of creative processes, the persistence in experimentation and the interest in establishing links between the community.

"All the works have a concern that has to do with the context in which they are developed, they are projects of people committed and involved in specific contexts where art is an agent of political and social transformation”, said Yépez.

 He stood out that during five days and from 18:00 h there will be between three and four daily performances in different spaces of the museum located in Doctor Enrique González Martínez 10, Santa Maria la Ribera.

The closing will be on Sunday 27 at 20:30 h with the play Radikal Chik Cabaret, by Natasha Padilha (Brazil, resident in Spain); Emmanuel Pacheco (Mexico); and Dani Lozano in the Nuevo Foro Hilvana (Puente de Alvarado 17, Cuauhtémoc).

"We want that in addition to the variety of pieces that are presented there is a contagion between creators who can dialogue with artists who come from other countries to soak up other forms of creation”.

According to Gabriel Yépez, the Museo Universitario del Chopo is characterized by showing critical works with reality, which can confuse the viewer of what he is used to see, hence the importance of promoting Bullshit Mex.

 "The museum is also a research space to interact with the scene. It’s about showing an alternative to what is presented on the national billboard. "

 Bullshit Mex is an activity supported by the Program of Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE, for its acronym in Spanish) of Spanish Cultural Action (AC/E) in its modality of Mobility.

 In addition to the collaboration of the UNAM, this event was consolidated with the collaboration of the National Fund for Culture and Arts (Fonca, for its acronym in Spanish) and the Ibero-American University of Arts, which organize the Master's in Scenic Practice and Visual Culture.

 Bullshit Mex will be held from August 23 to August 27 at the Museo Universitario del Chopo. The entrance is free. For further information, please visit:

Mexico,Distrito Federal