
For a period of two years

Mexico is elected for the presidency of the Board of Directors of Crespial

August 10, 2017

Peru, Cuzco.- Mexico was unanimously elected as president of the Board of Directors of the Regional Center for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage of Latin America (Crespial, for its acronym in Spanish) during its XII meeting in Cuzco, a city in southeastern Peru.

 Mexico is a member of this organization that emerged on the initiative of the states and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in order to coordinate efforts and create spaces for exchanging experiences; to design global policies that strengthen and protect the Intangible Cultural Heritage (CIP) of Latin American countries. The representatives of the member countries are called Focal Points

 The Mexico Focal Point is represented by the General Directorate of Popular, Indigenous and Urban Cultures (DGCPIU, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Department of Culture of the Government of the Republic and, on the proposal of the representatives of Peru and Guatemala, being Ecuador elected to hold the presidency of the organization for two years.

In Peru, the head of the DGCPIU, Jacinto Chacha Antele, assumed the presidency of the DAC and the coordination of tasks to approve, develop and evaluate the Strategic Plan 2018-2021 to be followed by the regional body.

 The tasks include to attend the specific program of action that will guide the cooperation about the participation of the communities, the actors and creators of this heritage, the training of human resources to create assets in the subject and the state of the art in each country. As well as financing initiatives for the continuity of the CIP, its registration and inventory, the generation of multinational projects, such as the one related to Afro-descendants, collective rights and contemporary debate on these issues.

As members of the cooperation mechanism for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the following countries attended: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and the UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Presidency of the Board of Directors of Mexico is a recognition to the public policies and the strengthening and safeguarding work of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the continent.

The head of the DGCPIU noted the importance of strengthening historic cultural ties and cooperation and assistance in a field so relevant to the development of the region, and thanked the honor for Mexico.

Mexico,Distrito Federal