
He will receive the prize on October 25th in Zurich, Switzerland

Samuel Larson Guerra, academic of the Cinematographic Training Center is recognized with the Teaching Excellence Award

July 26, 2017

Samuel Larson Guerra, an academic at the Cinematographic Training Center (CCC, for its acronym in Spanish), has been honored with the Teaching Excellence Award by the International Association of Film and Television Schools, CILECT (Center International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Television) which brings together 180 schools worldwide.

 In a letter sent to CILECT members and published on its website, two awards were announced in the 4th CILECT edition, the Teaching Award, in the category of International Pedagogue, which includes the teacher Dan Geva from the Beit Berl College (Israel), and Samuel Larson Guerra from the CCC. This award aims to recognize pedagogical excellence in cinema and television.

The two distinguished teachers will receive the awards in a special ceremony on October 25th, at the CILECT Congress in Zurich, Switzerland, sponsored by the Zurich University of the Arts.

 This is the second time that CILECT gives the Award for Teaching Excellence to an academic from the Cinematographic Training Center. Marco Julio Linares, current General Director of the CCC, received this recognition in the first edition in 2014.

CILECT was founded in 1954 in Cannes, France and is currently made up of 180 film schools from 60 countries around the world. The CCC has been a member of the Association since 1978, and hosted the presidency from 1995 to 2000.

CILECT announcement:


About Samuel Larson Guerra

Samuel Larson Guerra was born in Mexico City in 1963. He graduated from the International School of Cinema and TV of Cuba (EICTV, for its acronym in Spanish). Since 1991 he has worked professionally in cinema as Sound Designer, Editor and Composer, collaborating in 36 feature films as well as short film and television projects.

In his filmography as a Sound Designer there are films such as Lolo (1993), Fibra óptica (1998) (Ariel for Best Sound), Mezcal (2005) (Ariel for Best Sound), En el Hoyo (2006) (Ariel for Best Sound) and Chico Grande (2010).

He has been editor of movies such as El dirigible (1994), Sexo, pudor y lágrimas (1999), Los puños de una nación (2005), Dos abrazos (2007) (Goddess of Silver for Best Editing) and Flores para el soldado (2008) (Ariel for Best Documentary). He composed original music for the movies: Vera (2003) (Ariel for Best Original Music), Gringo (2016) and Los Quijotes de la Marcha (2016).

Samuel Larson Guerra has a 20-year career as a teacher of sound and editing at various institutions of higher education where he also participates in academic councils and as an advisor to the areas of academic coordination in the review of program of studies of audiovisual career, examiner of professional exams, etc.

He has carried out short courses and workshops in Mexico and other countries in Latin America. In the Cinematographic Training Center (CCC), he teaches the Film Sound Language course since 1994, as a result of this work and with the support of the CCC, he wrote his book Pensar el sonido. An introduction to the theory and practice of cinematographic sound language, published in March 2010 by the University Center for Cinematographic Studies (CUEC).

Mexico,Distrito Federal