
Poet Rocío Cerón publishes her book Diorama in Germany with editorial Verlag Hans Schiler

July 07, 2017

Five years after her first publication in Mexico (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2015) and Spain (Amargord Ediciones, 2015) and two years after receiving the Best Translated Book Award 2015 in the United States for its translation into English by Anna Rosenwong, the book Diorama, by the Mexican poet Rocío Cerón, will be released in its German version, translated by Hakan Özkan, with the prestigious German publisher Verlag Hans Schiler.

The book was written with the support of the National Creator System of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts, 2010-2013.

 The publication presents a writing where the essential question is what clashes with the language. The author answers with a polyphonic song, absolutely personal, to what men and women themselves say about war, exile, migration, joy, the death of the father, faith, the sounds of the world.

 Diorama has been reviewed by several critics and writers such as Julio Ortega, Sergio González Rodríguez (who considered it one of the best poetry books of 2015), Eric Giebel (Germany), Ulrika Serling (Sweden), Amanda de la Garza, Paul Guillén (Peru), among others.

Also, the author will present in some events,  Borealis (FCE, 2016), written with the support of the National System of Creators and Tiento, translated into German by Simone Reinhard and published by Verlag Hasn Schiler.

 In Germany there will be four presentations in various cities: on July 8th and 10th at the Hauscaher LeseLenz Festival, Hausach; on July 12th, at the Voltaire Club in Tübingen; on July 13th, at the ORI Gallery, Berlin; on July 14th at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut in Berlin.

Mexico,Distrito Federal