
41 Mexican films

The GIFF celebrates its 20th anniversary with Canada as a guest country

July 04, 2017

The Guanajuato International Film Festival (GIFF) is the most important platform for young filmmakers in Latin America. On 2017, celebrates 20 years with a varied program that includes projections, keynote and virtual reality speeches, workshops, tributes, editorial presentations, rallies, concerts and a forum.

 The details of the movie event were announced at a press conference attended by Sarah Hoch, general director of the GIFF; Pierre Alarie, ambassador of Canada in Mexico; Fernando Olivera Rocha, secretary of tourism of Guanajuato; Cristina Prado, director of the Cinematographic Cultural Promotion of the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (Imcine, for its acronym in Spanish) and the director of art and production, Brigitte Broch.

 The Guanajuato International Film Festival will be held in San Miguel de Allende from July 21st to 25th and in the capital state from July 26th to 30th. 402 films will be showed, of which 144 - from 50 countries - will be in official competition.

There are 41 movies from Mexico: four documentaries, 31 short films and six feature films: Ayúdame a pasar la noche (Help me spend the night) by José Ramón Chávez, Extraño pero verdadero (Strange but true) by Michel Lipkes, Casa Roshel by Camila José Danoso, Los años azules (The Blue Years) by Sofía Gómez Córdova, Bombay by Javier Ávila and Tormentero by Rubén Imaz.

 While in the international competition, most movies will have its Latin American premier. It highlights: A decent woman by Lukas Valenta Rinner, Patti Cake $ by Geremy Jasper, Pendular by Julia Murat, Pop Aye by Kirsten Tan, White Sun by Deepak Rauniyar, Hello Destroyer by Kevan Funk and Sexy Durga by Sanal Kumar Sasidharan.

 Also, 8 documentary feature films, 24 short fiction films, 15 short documentaries, 15 experimental short films and 20 animated short films will be on competition.

It was also revealed that Canada will be the guest country of honor, so 150 movies (feature films, documentaries and short films) from this country will be projected.

 Pierre Alarie explained that these are movies that show a vision of the work that is done in Canada, and that of these 150 movies, eighteen feature films and five Mexico-Canada co-productions stand out.

  "It is an honor for us to participate in this festival that allows us to share the Canadian values ​​that will be reflected in the movies, such as respect for diversity, inclusion, environmental care, support for young people and commitment with indigenous peoples”.

Sarah Hoch said that the GIFF will also hold 6 keynote speeches, 10 virtual reality and social platform talks, and 4 workshops.

The opening gala will be in San Miguel de Allende with the movie Pólvora y Gloria (Powder and Glory) by Viktor Jakovleski and In the Fade by Fatih Akin which will open in Guanajuato.

"As Canada is a guest country we will be premiering the movie Weirdos by Bruce McDonald and we will also have a red carpet of the movie Me gusta pero me asusta (I like it but scares me) by Beto Gómez. It should be noted that it’s the largest movie projection of Canada outside its own country”.

Gómez said that his movie is a tribute to the former Mexican cinema, to popular culture "and to what we are, because for me it’s important to make movies with a Mexican identity and our own sense of humor”.

 Sarah Hoch added that the festival will also host a series of tributes, among others to Women in the cinema and television, which celebrates 15 years and will recognize the costume designer Mariestela Fernández and the producer, Anna Roth.

Mariestela Fernandez said she felt happy, grateful and blessed by the tribute, "since I always liked to be part of the Mexican costumes and tried to dress the dreams of the directors”. While Anna Roth thanked the recognition, as she said, it shows "that something I did well in the last 45 years”.

Also, there will be a national tribute to the first actress Isela Vega and the director of art and production Brigitte Broch. Also, there will be an international homage to the directors Fatih Akin and Peter Weir.

 Broch said she was very excited and grateful for the recognition because, lately "I thought that I am not from here or from there, but with this homage I realize that I am from here”.

Other activities of the cinematographic gathering will be: the editorial presentation of One suffers but one learns. Lights and shadows of a myth by Francisco Javier Millán who will pay tribute to Pedro Infante on the centenary of his birth.

Also including the Bilateral Forum of Cinematographic Production Canada / Mexico, a space where it will be discussed, among others, the work of co-production between both countries and the Free Trade Agreement.

Also, it will take place in the GIFF: the Premier Ópera Orbis (shorts in virtual reality) in which the movies Péplum by Roberto Fiesco and El beso (The kiss) by Carlos Hagerman and La roca (The rock) by Juan Carlos Rulfo will be projected and commented.

 Also, a series of special movies will be projected: the first one integrated by 100 years with Juan Rulfo directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo; An exile, family movie by Juan Francisco Urrusti, Humboldt in Mexico by Ana Cruz and Bruma (Fog) by Max Zunino.

 Regarding Humboldt in Mexico, Ana Cruz said that it’s dramatic "but it is a documentary that spreads science and invites to all Mexican young people and the world to acquire the scientific vocation that is something fun that opens hearts, consciences and makes us appreciate our nature”.

There will also be special shows, Children in action with the projection of the movies Treasures and the Adventures of Captain Underpants, Cinema Among the Dead, Madness of Midnight and 20/20 made up of 20 national movies and 20 international movies. These movies are more attractive to the public and have been projected throughout the 20 years of the festival.

Also, the University Documentary Contest Identity and Membership will take place together with the IX University Rally and the IX University Rally by Bands (Musical performance).

In addition, the 10-year Mexicannes program will feature creators Myrsini Aristidou (Cyprus), Anwar Boulifa (Great Britain), Joao Paulo Miranda (Brazil), Carlo Sironi (Italy), Rati Tsiteladze (Georgia) Qiu Yang (China), Lukas Dhont and Zeno Graton (Belgium), Cenk Ertuk (Turkey), Takeshi Fukunaga (Japan), Caroline Monnet (Canada), Mees Peijnenburg (Netherlands) and Gabriel Herrera (Mexico).

Also, there will be Music + Cinema where seven concerts will be held and 20 bands will participate, including the Zoé group that celebrates 20 years of experience.

To know the full schedule of the Guanajuato International Film Festival, please visit:



Mexico,Distrito Federal