
From June 26th to July 1st

Everything ready for the Pachuca Film Fest 2017

June 21, 2017

With the participation of filmmakers from the five continents through 222 cinematographic projects, the sixth edition of the Pachuca Film Fest will be held in the capital of Hidalgo.

"This year's call exceeded our expectations because in 2016, forty four countries participated and now there are 95 with 1,366 movie projects of feature films and short films”.

"The filmmakers of the world are finding in Mexico a window to send their projects, and we are very pleased. Our official selection is made up of 222 cinematographic projects that will be projected from June 26th to July 1st in six categories: Hidalguense, Fiction, Animation, Children’s, Documentary and Terror, "said Festival director Gilberto Ríos Hinojosa.

Among the countries are also Mexico, Spain, France, Argentina, Chile, Italy, United States, Peru, Cuba, India, Iran, Russia. Belgium, Australia, Hong Kong, South Korea, Greece, Ukraine, Netherlands, Malaysia, Morocco, Egypt, Romania, Georgia, Canada, Norway, China, Uruguay, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Tanzania , Mongolia, Kenya, Serbia, Israel, Iraq, Bosnia, Croatia, Tunisia, Slovenia, North Korea, Panama, Austria, Denmark, Syria and Palestine.

Pachuca Film Fest 2017 will start on Monday, June 26th with documentary filmmaking at the Centro Cultural del Ferrocarril from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., standing out the feature film, Margarita.

On Tuesday, June 27th it will be the turn of the Animation in the Centro Cultural del Ferrocarril from 14:00 to 19:00 p.m. and the display of the International Exhibition #UnaMiradaALMUNDO.

On Wednesday, June 28th, Terror from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Centro Cultural del Ferrocarril, and on June 29th and 30th, the Official Fiction Selection at the Teatro Guillermo Romo de Vivar from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

The Children's Short Film Una Mirada al mundo (A Look at the World) will be projected in the Centro Cultural del Ferrocarril on Saturday July 1st at 12:00

 That same day from 16:00 p.m. the Closing Gala will be held at the Teatro Cedrus which includes the award to the best of each of the categories with El Tenango, the official award of the event.

Also, the Hidalguense Official Selection together with the projects that are part of the Red Nacional de Polos Audiovisuales Hidalgo will be present.

"In this framework, three short films will be premiered at our Young Film workshop, a pre-festival training activity in which the children receive specialization workshops and are provided with first-class technological tools with the support of Quimera Films and Edumac Pachuca”.

Gilberto Ríos Hinojosa added that the hidalguense productions offer a wide range of fictions that deal with ecology, identity and an approach to culture and tradition.

"The productions of our entity have increased. It is important that young people find a place to present themselves and start their film career. There is a lot of talent and outpouring that they are doing well with what they have on hand. "

All presentations will be open to the public and will have no cost, except for the closing, which will have a recovery fee of 30 pesos.

Pachuca Film Fest is part of the Mexican Network of Cinematographic Festivals and has the support of the Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences of Hidalgo AC and the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (Imcine, for its acronym in Spanish).

For more information please visit: and

Mexico,Distrito Federal