
A panel about Juan Rulfos legacy is being considered

Jalisco will be present at the Bay Area Book and Mex I am festivals in California

June 09, 2017

This year Jalisco will be the special guest of two cultural events to be held in California in June and July with the support of the Consulate, the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Culture of Jalisco.

The program will promote the dissemination of local talent abroad, the exchange of experiences with creators from other places and the gathering with Mexican public living in the neighboring country of the north, announced Myriam Vachez Plagnol, secretary of Culture of Jalisco.

She said that this program Jalisco is present in California will take place in June and July with the participation in two cultural events: Bay Area Book Festival and MEX I am Festival.

The cultural representative celebrated that it was the first time in which Jalisco served as sponsor of the Bay Area Book Festival, whose event is held in Berkeley year after year and this edition has a special chapter dedicated to Juan Rulfo.

In this context, the secretary of Jalisco reported that the state provided resources for a panel of experts to discuss Juan Rulfo’s legacy, as well as the presentation of a chapter in the series that Juan Carlos Rulfo made with the support of the Department of Federal Culture through the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE, for its acronym in Spanish), which was presented on Saturday, June 3rd at this fair.

2017 is the Year of Mexico in Los Angeles, and in mid-July, Jalisco will participate for 15 days with various cultural activities, among them: art exhibitions, participation with some groups that will represent contemporary music, as well as mariachi music, gastronomy and handicrafts.

In this context, the State Symphony Orchestra of Jalisco will also be presented at a grand concert in Los Angeles, where it will be performed the winning work of the last orchestral composition that takes place every year in Jalisco and in which a Jalisciense young man won, who at the moment is doing his doctorate in the south of California.

The OFJ (Philharmonic Orquestra of Jalisco) will also have one more participation in the City of San Francisco on July 16th at the MEX I Am Festival, this time the invitation is made by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, one of the most traditional orchestras in the west of the U.S.

Vachez Plagnol reported that these events were also possible thanks to the support of the Consulate and the Department of Foreign Affairs and the State Government through the Department of Culture of Jalisco.

It should be noted that the Bay Area Book Festival is a fair that focuses on the dissemination of genres such as science, science fiction, history, poetry and children's literature.

Regarding the MEX I am Festival, it stands out the best of Mexico's arts, culture, thought, science and innovation through concerts, presentations, talks and gastronomic tours.

Mexico,Distrito Federal