
Including 16 engravings of the Vollard Suite

Picasso´s and Rivera´s art dialogue in the Palace of Fine Arts

June 08, 2017

The exhibition Picasso and Rivera: Conversations over time, made up of 147 pieces including paintings, engravings and watercolors (45 by Picasso and 54 by Rivera), as well as Greco-Roman and prehispanic pieces, will be on display from June 9th to September 10th in the Palace of Fine Arts.

The exhibition is made up of works from European museums, private collections and national venues. Through four sections, it presents a dialogue between the two artists and equates their trajectories based on their academic background, their Cubist work, their interest in classicism, and the reinterpretation of their original cultures, from the period of 1900 to 1940 .

 The head of the National Institute of Fine Arts, Lidia Camacho, explained that the display presents a comparative, historical and visual work between two of the greatest significant figures of modern art, while addressing different stages in the artists’ trajectory. "The exhibition aims to open a dialogue between two modern times that transformed its respective environments”, she said.

 The official said that in the exhibition made up of four themes: The academies, The Cubist years, America and Europe in contrast, and The return to classicism in Europe and America, the visitor will be able to see the influence of the academy and Greco-Roman art in both painters , their first meeting in Paris and the importance of Cubism.

 "Rivera is influenced by Picasso, but also the other way round and that is very interesting, to see how Picasso took very important aspects of Rivera, especially the color”, she said.

In the third theme, America and Europe in contrast, it can be seen the work of the Mexican and the Spanish in their respective countries. "Rivera was much more influenced perhaps also by nationalism, the identity of the Mexican. And Picasso was also in a transition of what the adoption of French nationality would be”, she said.

 She added that in the display the public will be able to see that the two creators returned in one way or another to the classic period. "It is frankly exciting to be able to realize this contrast, this comparison between these two great artists”.

She stood out that also the visitor can see: 16 engravings of the Suite Vollard, by Picasso, considered one of the most important graphic works of the 20th century, Rivera’s Man with a cigarrette, as well as works that had never left its museums.

Among these pieces, they are: the Cubist paintings Farola and guitar (Gas-jet and guitar) by Picasso, Cubist Composition (still life with an anise bottle and an inkwell) by Diego Rivera.

Michael Govan, director of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, commented that the exhibition is the story of two encounters, perhaps as many as four between Picasso and Rivera, Europe and the Americas. Points of view between institutions, between modernity and antiquity.

"It was very exciting to see the exhibition here with so many added works that there were not in the exhibition of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), with a different point of view. Here, the work ends up being complete”, he said.

 The head of the Museum of the Palace of Fine Arts, Miguel Fernández Félix, said that the exhibition marks an important course of research. "The display has an initial point of dialogue that we hope the public can enjoy."

 Picasso and Rivera: Conversations over time is presented as part of the celebrations of the 130th anniversary of the Mexican muralist's birth, and is the result of a shared work between the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and the Museum of the Palace of Fine Arts.

The exhibition will be opened on Thursday, June 8th at 7:30 pm, at the Museum of the Palace of Fine Arts.

Mexico,Distrito Federal