
One of the great theater music prominent figures

Composer and musician Jean-Jacques Lemêtre will share experiences at CENART

May 23, 2017

 French musician and luthier Jean-Jacques Lemêtre (January 25th, 1952), will offer a workshop, a concert and a master class at the National Arts Center (CENART, for its acronym in Spanish) from June 5th to 9th.

The creator of the music for the works of the Théâtre du Soleil for over 35 years, will give the workshop entitled The musical body in room 222 of the Superior School of Music, from June 5th to 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

This activity is aimed at artists who want to find, discover and experience the sound possibilities of their own body, such as dancers, actors, singers, musicians and university teachers, both students and professionals.

The $710 pesos fee event, aims to explain the rhythmic and sound possibilities of the body and its use in the theater, to know the states of rhythm, to understand independence, dependence, interdependence of body and voice, and understand what the melodic, harmonious and rhythmic body is.

 The workshop will be made up of individual and collective exercises leading to a process of musical development. Each person will explore the language of each person, not only through the voice but throughout the body.

On June 8th, the artist of a great musical education will give the concert Viaje al interior at the Blas Galindo auditorium. In the event, he will play different instruments compiled by the world in order to tell the origin and the history of each one of them.

From his earliest childhood, Jean-Jacques Lemêtre has traveled the globe, he has collected 2,800 instruments and built 700. He has instruments from India, Japan, and other places around the world, which he plays according to the needs of the work to musicalize, because a single instrument cannot provide all the mankind of the world.

The last activity from one of the artistic prominent figures of the world will be the master class La música y el teatro, aimed at musicians, scenic artists and public interested in the relationship between music and performing arts. It will be held on June 9th at the Aula Magna José Vasconcelos, at 18:00 pm

Lemêtre joined the Théâtre du Soleil, directed by Ariane Mnouchkine, over 35 years ago. Since then he has created and performed the music of both the company's live shows and the movies in which he has participated.

 He has also composed soundtracks for movies directed by David Lynch, Sally Potter and Raymond Depardon. Many of them have been recognized with the Meilleur Composition Scénique de l'Année prize. In 2005 he was awarded the newly founded Prix Moliere of theater music.

 He is the author, director and interpreter of his own works, in which he incorporates a great diversity of sound sources besides the multiple musical instruments that he performs, such as saxophone, clarinet, bassoon, crystal harmonica, guitar and percussion instruments.

The prominent musician studied Gregorian chant at the Academia de Loretto and composition, clarinet and saxophone, as well as instrument construction at the Conservatorio de Paris, graduating with various awards, prizes, degrees and diplomas.

He has collaborated and performed with a large number of French orchestras, including Orchester Médiéval of Paris and the Ensemble Intercontemporain of Pierre Boulez. He has also ventured into the genres of rock, jazz, European folk music and traditional Middle Eastern music. He has written music for ballet, three operas and music for the 1992 Albertville Winter Olympics and for the Bicentennial of the French Revolution celebrations.

For more information and registration about the workshop El cuerpo musical, please come to the Módulo de Extensión Académica, located in Torre de Dirección y Investigación, 1st. Floor Tel. 4155 0000, ext.1040. Email: Assistance from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The concert and the master class are free entrance. Space is limited.

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Mexico,Distrito Federal