
They could see the exhibition The cultures of a sacred cactus

Alberto Manguel and Gilles Lipovetsky visited the Museum of the Desert in Coahuila

May 01, 2017

Saltillo, Coahuila.- Alberto Manguel and Gilles Lipovetsky, guests to participate in the International Book Fair of Arteaga, Coahuila with the lectures History of reading and The third woman respectively, met and visited the Museum of the Desert, a space that explains the origin of life, rescue species and vital environments of the second most important ecosystem of the country.

The curator of the temporary exhibition, The cultures of a sacred cactus, Claudia Luna Fuentes who, together with Arturo González, selected and organized the garments, jewelry and huge embroidered canvas that express the testimony about rituals and mythologies of the Wixárika, Tarahumara and Lipanes peoples, received and accompanied Manguel and Lipovetsky who could see the colorful and clear exhibition of the Hícuri (known as peyote) in its various aspects, morphology and ways of representing the species that boasts over 30 participants.

The distinguished specialists in sensitive and enriching themes such as literature, the importance of reading and the current role of women in the world, continued the tour with special attention and admiration guided by the staff of the Museum of the Desert.

 In their visit to the laboratory of the museum where Zaira Marisol Casas García, who has a master's degree in special education and has worked for several years in the museum, explained the process how the slates work to discover fossils that will be exhibited later in the Museum of the Desert. She said that it takes from one month and a half to six months to find discoveries in the slates. They put the disjointed pieces together that later will be united to make up the piece.

It was also possible to see the work that they are currently doing with the femur of a young dinosaur that could measure up to 4 meters. She explained that the pieces are collected by paleontologists, the museum own researchers and ejidatarios

At the end of his visit and before leaving for Argentina, Alberto Manguel said that what he saw on the tour was amazing and expressed his desire to return soon and learn more about the culture of the state of Coahuila. He said that he already felt nostalgia. He highly valued the attendance of the young audience to FILA (for its acronym in Spanish) and particularly to his conference. It seemed to him a very well organized and high level fair.

For his part, Lipovetsky said that the cultural aspects of the state represented in this museum are valuable and showed enthusiasm to meet the public at the lecture he will give this afternoon at the Artistic Forum of the fair.

Mexico,Distrito Federal