
At the Palace of Fine Arts

Opera concert L´Orfeo by Monteverdi opens the Festival del Centro Histórico

March 31, 2017

In its 33rd edition, the Festival del Centro Histórico of Mexico City opened with the opera concert L’ Orfeo, by Claudio Monteverdi, performed by the Orchestra and Choir of the Fine Arts Theater, under the baton of Guido Maria Guida at the Palace of Fine Arts.

Until next April 16th, the event will offer concerts, dance shows, opera, theater, workshops, lectures, exhibitions and tributes to outstanding creators in various forums in the city.

 In 2017, the festival takes place under the motto "City without walls" and emphasizes offering new ideas and experiences that favors dialogue and coexistence, while promoting and revalorizing the buildings and public spaces of the Mexican capital.

 Orfeo, fábula pastoral de Monteverdi, fue presentada en versión concertante, con la reorquestación de Bruno Maderna, en una coproducción del Festival del Centro Histórico y la Ópera de Bellas Artes.

Monteverdi’s pastoral fable L’Orfeo was presented in a concertante version, an adaption of Bruno Maderna, in a co-production of the Festival del Centro Histórico and the Opera of Fine Arts.

 In the framework of the 450th anniversary of Claudio Monteverdi’s birth and the 410th of the premiere of L'Orfeo, the Mexican public could enjoy this tragic love story that tells the happiness of Orpheus and Eurydice.

Nevertheless, the misfortune arrives soon, because this opera reminds that happiness is fragile and brief, since near the top is usually the precipice and the cruel destiny turned the joy into mourning with the unexpected Eurydice’s death.

The baton of Guido Maria Guida was in charge of the direction of this opening concert, while Pablo Varela was guest conductor of the Choir of Fine Arts, which also included a cast of young Mexican singers.

Leticia Altamirano, Rosario Aguilar, Rosa Muñoz, Enrique Guzmán, Josué Cerón, Óscar Velázquez and Rodrigo Urrutia, were in charge to give life to the protagonists of this drama widely celebrated by the public.

Over the next few days, the Historic Center of Mexico City will be adorned with various artistic and cultural activities for all tastes, among which the presence of the company Malandain Ballet Biarritz stand out, presenting The Beauty and the Beast and the bass player Misha Mullov Abbado, who will offer a jazz recital with his sextet.

The National Symphony Orchestra, the Attacca Quartet group, the Children Singers of the Historic Center and the National Theater Company will also be presented. El Colegio Nacional will carry out various talks and for the sixth edition it will be carried out too the program Teatro en plazas públicas (Theater in Public Places), Teatro en tu barrio (Theater In your neighborhood) with more than 60 performances in open spaces.

This year, el Festival del Centro Histórico will award the medal to the merit of businessman Siahou Sitton Guindi for his contributions to the recovery of Mexico City after the earthquakes of 1985.

The closing of the event will take place next April 16th at the Zócalo with the show Celebrating the Centennial of Dámaso Pérez Prado, in which the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Armando Zayas and the pianist Héctor Infanzón will participate.

 In order to know the program, please visit: and in Twitter @FestivalMexico and Facebook / FestivalCentroHistoricoMexico.



Mexico,Distrito Federal