
Renovation of spaces and opening of the video mapping show at the Acapulco Historical Museum

March 27, 2017

Representatives of the government, headed by María Cristina García Cepeda and Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, secretaries of Culture and Tourism, gathered last night at the Acapulco Historical Museum to witness the first projection of the Night Experience at the Fort of San Diego; a multimedia show that consolidates the tourist offer of the port, and commemorates three decades of activity of this important place.

This project is an example of core work between the different government levels. The continuity in time in the construction of Mexican cultural institutions, of over 200 years, gives its certainty and guarantees its permanence. The rich past of Mexican culture also anticipates its future. That means the renovation of the Fort of San Diego Museum, García Cepeda said.

When receiving the secretaries in front of the main entrance of the old bastion, the general director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH, for its acronym in Spanish), Diego Prieto Hernández, remarked before authorities like the governor of Guerrero, Héctor Astudillo Flores, the importance of using technology to enhance and publicize sites such as the Fort of San Diego, "a reference for the history of Mexico, America and the world."

He reminded that from 1565 to 1813, the Bay of Acapulco was the destination of Manila Galleon (also known as Nao of China), the fortification was a privileged witness not only to the emergence of the first global market between America, Europe, Africa and Asia, but more importantly, of a racial and cultural twinning between different peoples.

Anthropologist’s words were followed by the presentation of the videomapping, a project, that is part of the cultural policy of the Department of Culture, which will take place on the north facade of the Fort of San Diego, where 12 high-resolution projectors and loudspeakers have been installed, that when facing a maximum of 200 people and a grandstand also renewed in its structure, will broadcast a 20-minute story, which script was supervised by INAH experts.

Miguel Alonso Reyes, general director of the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur, for its acronym in Spanish) commented that the production, which he defined as "a tribute to the port and its role as a meeting point for cultural exchange", derives from a presidential commitment assumed by Enrique Peña Nieto, and is part of a total investment of 17.3 million pesos.

This amount, he said, was applied in two stages. The first one, of 2.2 million pesos, had the purpose of incorporating specialized LED lighting, suitable for all types of artistic exhibitions, to the whole museum environment of the place. The second one, of 15.1 million pesos, focused on the preparation of the audiovisual equipment and the adaptation of the required outdoor spaces.

Víctor Hugo Jasso, director of the Acapulco Historical Museum of the Fort of San Diego, added that this official videomapping presentation will follow a phase of scheduled visits to define details such as the price and the schedules to be handled. He anticipated that the usual shows will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, approximately at 20 p.m., in addition to special seasonal holiday schedules.

"The intention of videomapping goes even further, since the last goal is to create a whole range of nightly activities in the museum, between gatherings, editorial presentations, lectures and artistic exhibitions. We want visitors, especially locals, to turn the Fort of San Diego into an iconic social meeting point”.


Opening of the temporary exhibition and the new permanent room.

 After the presentation of the show Night Experience at the Fort of San Diego, federal officials and anthropologist Diego Prieto, accompanied by Blanca Jiménez Padilla, delegate of the institute in the entity; Mauricio Leyva Castrejón, Undersecretary of Formation and Cultural Linkage of Guerrero, and the mayor of Acapulco, Evodio Velázquez Aguirre, among other guests, participated in the opening of two spaces: the temporary exhibition Latitud Paris, and the new permanent room Acapulco Contemporáneo.

The first free entry exhibition, which will be on view until next June, is made up of 80 pieces from the Soumaya Museum’s collection, which shows the French capital influence in the artistic movements of the late XIX century and early XX as Symbolism, Modernism and Cubism.

In addition to gather works by Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros and others, this gallery enhances the capacity that thanks to its new LED lighting and controlled conditions of temperature and humidity, the Acapulco Historical Museum is able to host international size exhibitions, and highly specialized collections such as the Soumaya Museum´s.

The permanent room Acapulco Contemporáneo seeks to make known, through a tour of the film past of the port, and various cultural, sports and advertising posters - among them the first bottle of Yoli refreshment or, for example, an advertisement of the Compañía de Petróleo El Águila -, of how, in the middle of the XX century, the city got the international tourist recognition kept until the present time.


INAH, with presence in 2017 Tianguis Turístico

The series of events: the opening of videomapping and the exhibition halls, served as a preamble for INAH's participation in the 2017 Tianguis Turístico, at the Acapulco Convention Center Mundo Imperial from March 27th to 30th.

Within this event, the institute will have a stand to promote the archeological, historical, paleontological and ethnographic areas. In addition, activities such as the two lectures on the Nao of China and Military Architecture will be given by the specialist Manuel Ruz in the Fort of San Diego auditorium on March 28th and 29th at 10:00 a.m.

Mexico,Distrito Federal