
A side event to the exhibition on his work in the Cineteca

The National Symphony Orchestra will honor Stanley Kubrick as a musician

February 28, 2017

The most important ensemble of our country, the National Symphony Orchestra (OSN, for its acronym in Spanish), will pay tribute to the film director, scriptwriter, producer and American photographer Stanley Kubrick with a moving concert in the Main Hall of the Palace of Fine Arts.

The details of the Program 2. "Music of Stanley Kubrick's films" were announced at a press conference by José Julio Díaz, national coordinator of Music and Opera of the National Institute of Fine Arts; Daniela López, responsible for the production area for Audiovisual Media of Cineteca; Juan Arturo Brennan, co-curator of the exhibition about the filmmaker’s work in Mexico City; José Luis Castillo, director and composer; and Claudia Hinojosa, executive director of the OSN.

The concert is the result of a collaboration between the OSN, the Cineteca Nacional (National Film Archive) and the Museum of the Palace of Fine Arts, and it is a side event to Stanley Kubrick: the exhibition, which is on view until May 29th in La Galería of the Cineteca Nacional.

 "Music of Stanley Kubrick’s films" will be directed by José Luis Castillo and will be made up of 11 works: Musica ricercata II by György Ligeti and Vals No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich from the movie Eyes wide shut.

La gazza ladra by Gioacchino Rossini, Main Title by Alex North and Guillaume Tell by Gioacchino Rossini from the movie, A clockwork Orange; Adagio de Gayaneli by Aram Khachaturian, Thus spoke Zarathustra by Richard Strauss and Atmospheres by György Ligeti from the movie 2001: A space Odyssey.

And finally, Béla Bartók's adagio Music for Strings from the movie The Shinning and Sarabande by Geor Friedrich Händel and March from Indomeneo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from the movie, Barry Lyndon.

En la conferencia, José Julio Díaz destacó que se trata de una aventura fílmico-musical “y un histórico concierto que buscará explorar la obra de Kubrick”.

José Julio Díaz stressed, at press conference, that this is a musical-movie adventure "and a historic concert that will seek to explore Kubrick's work."

Meanwhile, Claudia Hinojosa revealed that this is a show that will seek to display Stanley Kubrick’s facet as a filmmaker, "but above all as the great musician who revolutionized the way of thinking of the symphony orchestra in cinema”.

For his part, Juan Arturo Brennan detailed that it is a concert that will allow the public to discover Kubrick as a musician and as a “user” of music. Mainly, people will see he was the first director who used classical music in cinema.

 "It's a show that will leave the audience with square eyes and ears when seeing musical experiments. What matters is to have a clear idea of Kubrick's procedures, his thinking and musical-cinematographic assembly.

"I will present the concert and tell stories of his amazing interface, what is in his films and the depth that exists between music and images of this incomparable cinematographic legacy."

The co-curator added that the songs will be accompanied with montages of images from Kubrick’s films, which were realized by Daniela López.

In this sense, the also photographer stressed that they are videos that reflect feelings and themes such as loneliness, sadness, darkness, fear and happiness.

"In addition to the theme of family and life as a couple that we see in Eyes wide shut. There will also be dialogues that reinforce the most outstanding situations of each film made by the filmmaker. "

Finally, José Luis Castillo commented that this is a unique concert that will show Stanley Kubrick’s work, "a man who marked a new relationship between music and film, since his work not only refers to the already recognized composers in musical history but also new ones ".

Program 2. "Music of Stanley Kubrick’s films" to be offered by the National Symphony Orchestra will be held on Friday, March 3rd at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 5th at 12:15 p.m. in the Main Hall of the Palace of Fine Arts. Tickets $ 160, $ 120 and $ 80 pesos.


Mexico,Distrito Federal