
"Reading forms free citizens": María Cristina García Cepeda

Opening of the 38th International Book Fair at Palacio de Minería

February 23, 2017

A program made up of over 1,495 activities is offered by the 38th International Book Fair at Palacio de Minería, opened on February 23rd, in which Querétaro is the guest state of honor. The activities include, among others:  lectures, book presentations and workshops on themes such as the Centenary of the Constitution of 1917 and the commemorations of authors’s births such as Juan Rulfo, Arthur C. Clarke and Heinrich Böll.

The rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Enrique Graue Wiechers; the Secretary of Culture, María Cristina García Cepeda; the mayor of Mexico City Miguel Ángel Mancera, and the governor of Querétaro, Francisco Dominguez, chaired the opening ceremony of this meeting that will receive 300 writers for 12 days.

María Cristina García Cepeda said that this fair celebrates every year the reader as the main actor in that endless conversation that occurs with books; faithful and willing best friends that can be carried in the bag reminding us that culture is an experience that transforms itself into memory and light for the future, so the Department of Culture supports over 40 book fairs throughout the national territory, she said

García Cepeda said that Mexico dialogues with the world through its culture and builds bridges between countries and nations to show the power of manifestations that define us and are the key to open new horizons, but also to remember our history, as we commemorate the Centenary of the Constitution of 1917 this year.

As part of the Program for Promotion of Book and Reading, the Department of Culture presents in the International Book Fair of Palacio de Minería, editorial titles that are part of its historical catalog to invite young people to know their cultural heritage and renew the interpretation of some of the most important classics in our history.

"The promotion of reading and books educates participative and free citizens in a world that demands us to expand and deepen awareness, as well as initiatives that support the value of the book from public policy”, Maria Cristina García Cepeda said.

Enrique Graue Wiechers said that the International Book Fair of Palacio de Minería coexists with a world where the access to information is increasingly fast, but where it is important to have a wider cultural backing and therefore reading is a vital element to guarantee the development of society.

At the ceremony, they were also present: Enrique Fernández Fasnacht, director of the National Polytechnic Institute; Jaime Valls Esponda, executive secretary of ANUIES; Paulina Aguado, secretary of Culture of Querétaro; Carlos Anaya Rosique, president of Caniem and Fernando Macotela, director of the International Book Fair of Palacio de Minería.

Miguel Angel Mancera said that the International Book Fair of Palacio de Minería is already a cultural reference that only last year received 152,000 people, and has consolidated its programs of lectures, book presentations, workshops and especially an integrative environment where people of all ages and with all kinds of interests are welcome, which is an example of the great cultural diversity of our country.

The governor of Queretaro, Francisco Domínguez celebrated that one of the main themes of this edition of the fair is the Constitution of 1917 which will be remembered with more than 150 activities that will realize the greatness of the Magna Carta and the struggle of the constituents to guarantee justice for all Mexicans.

The Department of Culture will be present at the fair with a stand where 15,000 copies will be offered to the public and, on February 25th, will release the book Periodismo escrito by Federico Campbell (1941-2014), which will be commented by Vicente Alfonso and Martín Solares, in the Salón de la Academia, at 19:00 h.

The Editorial Fund Tierra Adentro will present titles in the genres of essay, poetry and theater, and on February 27th at 7:00 p.m., the Galería de Rectores will host the round table Jóvenes Ensayistas de Tierra Adentro with the participation of Sergio Téllez -Pon, Mariana Orantes, Jazmina Barrera and Pierre Herrera.

Mexico,Distrito Federal