
A side event to the exhibit Stanley Kubrick

2001: a space odyssey and its futuristic seal were topic talk at Cineteca Nacional

February 15, 2017

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is one of the most important science fiction films within worldwide cinema. The movie, which was filmed for over three years, reviewed the concept of evolution in a futuristic metaphor where photography and art design made of the work a turning point in the history of cinema.

 That is why the doctor in Political Science and teacher in Communication Edgar Meritano, analized the movie through the talk "2001: A space odyssey and the predigital cinema" that took place on February 14th in Room 4 Arcady Boytler at Cineteca Nacional.

The speech is part of a series of talks organized by the Direction of Academic Activities of Cineteca around Stanley Kubrick: the exhibit, which will remain in La Galería until the end of May.

Also, the teacher of fashion photography, semiotics, ethics and publicity, highlighted that 2001: A Space Odissey is a very complex, emotional, impressive and imposing movie made by a cinematography genius: Stanley Kubrick.

 He added that from his perspective it is very complex to analyze the filmmaker’s work because it is broad, difficult, prolific and explores several genres: horror, war, science fiction, among others, "in addition to each of his films are a masterpiece that have a very interesting degree of complexity ".

 The director of marketing of the brand Corazón de Serpiente, said that after studying Kubrick’s work he realized that the movie sheds clues on the future of cinematography or our present, since before Matrix, Terminator, Tron and Blade Runner, this work existed previous to the digital future not only in cinematography, but worldwide.

 "It is a science fiction movie, a little complicated genre that addresses present issues and has the task of predicting the future. Only by reviewing the work from the present to the past, we sometimes see with horror the accuracy of his predictions”.

"In this sense, A Space Odissey is an impressive, realistic film that deals with the digital future. It takes a look at the future world putting science fiction in a 'serious' field because its shots, content and effects allowed, for the first time, to dream, to predict the future and to update the present”.

Finally, the fashion photographer for Fashion Week Mexico highlighted that the movie anticipates a digital dystopian reality but in the same way the future of digital cinema, filling it with a fantastic capacity and shaping the future of filmmaking.

"At the time, it was not expected the reach of 2001: An Space Odissey. Now, we can understand, manage and know how far it has affected. The movie was the first one to include digital graphics and impressively influenced cinema and real life”.

"For example, in the style you see in movies like Star Wars, Alien and Interstellar or in the use of rotary sets to shoot as in the films The Fly, Nightmare on Elm Street and Inception."

The series of talks around Stanley Kubrick: the exhibition ends on May 30th. It is held every Tuesday in Room 4 Arcady Boytler, at 18:00. Free entry, requesting a complementary ticket at ticket office 5.

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Mexico,Distrito Federal