
Made up of over 100 works

Over 160,000 people visited the exhibition The Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec at the Palace of Fine Arts

November 28, 2016

After having been over three months on display at the Palace of Fine Arts, the exhibition The Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec. Prints and posters (MoMA) finished on Sunday, November 27th with great success, after 160,233 people visited it.

 On the last day of the exhibition, a long line that surrounded the esplanade of the cultural building was registered from an early hour, as inhabitants of Mexico City and tourists took the opportunity to admire the French artist’s graphic work.

 Since last August 11th, the exhibition The Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec. Prints and posters (MoMA), made up over 100 works from the Museum of Modern Art of New York (MoMA), among drawings, lithographs, posters and photographs, was open to the public.

 The success of the display, dedicated exclusively to Toulouse-Lautrec, took place since its inauguration, as it is the first exhibition carried out abroad for the last 30 years, showing 106 prints of the French painter of almost 200 that the MoMA has.

 The exhibition The Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec. Prints and posters (MoMA) is part of the tasks of the Department of Culture, by its head, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, who through the implementation of public policies in the field of culture undertakes actions for the benefit of the population, providing the best of art and culture of the world.

In the show, the public admired masterpieces, such as the monumental poster, Moulin Rouge of 1891, Divan Japonais of 1893 and Troupe de Mlle Églantine of 1896; oils such as La Goulue at the Moulin Rouge, a large variety of drawings, among which are part of the portfolio titled Elles, as well as illustrations he made for books, magazines, songbooks and theater programs.

 On the last day of the exhibition, people had to wait in line for more than two hours to visit the exhibition and enjoy 124 pieces of graphic work, in which the French painter chronicled the Paris of the Belle Époque and its pleasures, but also of the marginalized characters, with an original and expressive plastic language.

 The visitors came out with their expectations fulfilled. Professor Ivonne Moreno said that “it is excellent this type of events, because it makes the spirit strengthened. Somehow it is important to give space to this kind of things”.

Meanwhile, the biologist Sonia González said that "it is a way of inspiration for this moment, to bring this kind of events is very important, it raises our spirit, we feel quieter and to see things as impressive as these ones, it is wonderful".

Mrs. Elizabeth came with her family and commented that "it is a good exhibition, to bring culture from other countries is always excellent for us and especially that it is free."

Finally, Pablo Balderas, from Monterrey, commented that the exhibition was extremely interesting. "I knew nothing of the author and as a visitor to Mexico City I wanted to know the Palace of Fine Arts. By mere coincidence I had to see the display, it was very good”.


Mexico,Distrito Federal