
At San Ildefonso College

Opening of the exhibition Masterpieces of the National Art Museum of China

September 28, 2016

The richness of techniques, materials and esthetic periods which Chinese art has influenced the world through the centuries come together in the great exhibition Masterpieces from the National Art Museum of China, which opened on Tuesday night September 27th at San Ildefonso College.

The opening ceremony was attended by Saúl Juárez, head of Art and Culture of the Department of Culture, representing Secretary Rafael Tovar y de Teresa; Maria Teresa Uriarte, Cultural Coordinator of the National Autonomous University of Mexico; Eduardo Vazquez, Secretary of Culture of Mexico City; Wu Weishan, Director of the National Art Museum of China; Chinese Ambassador in Mexico, Qui Xiaoqi, and Bertha Cea, Executive Coordinator of San Ildefonso College.

Saul Juarez recalled that this exhibition opens as part of the China-Latin America and the Caribbean Cultural Exchange Year and among the parallel activities it will be held the colloquium, China in the mirror of the West that will address the tradition and modernity of the nation.

 He said that the friendship between the two nations find in culture a bridge of constant amazement and therefore the constant enrichment is maintained through the exchange and dissemination of the work of Chinese and Mexican artists with multiple views, something that will further strengthen in the future .

 Wu Weishan, director of the National Art Museum of China, said that this exhibition was made possible by the cooperation between the Department of Culture and the National Autonomous University of Mexico in order to offer the public a display that reveals the historical relationship between two nations and recently it was strengthened with Diego Rivera’s exhibit at the National Art Museum of China.

"In the assembling of this exhibition I realized how each piece matched with the beauty of San Ildefonso College which can be explained in the constant search for beauty that our nations have maintained through the centuries, a trait that connect and brings us closer to a cultural exchange and knowledge of our esthetic”, Wu Weishan said.

Maria Teresa Uriarte said that the 151 works of this exhibition of great beauty and diversity of China, ranging from the seventh century until its renovation in modern times, the aspects unveiled with subtlety and sophistication by curators from both countries, open a new door to our imagination and surprise.

Chinese Ambassador in Mexico Qiu Xiaoqi celebrated that the Mexican public can know both perfection and experimentation of the artistic expressions of ancient and contemporary China.

 "The public can find works that contain Chinese and western elements that blur the lines of time and show how cultures feed back both from past and other cultures, a feeling that matches with the relationship between China and Mexico that although we are separated by the Pacific show that distances are not limited to real friends”, Qiu Xiaoqi said.

 The exhibition was assembled in 14 rooms of San Ildefonso College and includes the following themes: 1) Multiple dimensions: the ink and color gouache in contemporary art of China, 2) West China and the Xieyi expression in contemporary art, 3) Songs of idyll: China popular art works.

 During the inaugural tour the public could find pieces like the sculpture of Confucius, the ink painting on fabric Warm spring, by Su Baijun; the marble sculpture Tunnel in time and space, by He Zhongling; the painting Small Snow, by Liu Qinghe, ink on paper, old puppets, as well as a large example of art on paper, ancient tradition of that country.

 Masterpieces of the National Art Museum of China will run until February 19th, 2017 at San Ildefonso College. Justo Sierra 16, Historic Center.


Mexico,Distrito Federal