
It will be transmitted via streaming on the screen of the Angela Peralta walkway

The Opera of Peking will perform at the Palace of Fine Arts

August 11, 2016

The Opera of Peking arrives at the Palace of Fine Arts with one of the oldest stories of traditional Chinese literature: The Legend of the White Snake, a stage play that incorporates live music, theater, dance, martial arts and acrobatics.

 The company, with over 60 years of history, also known as the China National Peking Opera, will perform on August 10th and 11th  with the story of the fable related to an immortal snake, but lonely, that finds love in the human nature.

Song Chen, supporter secretary of the China National Peking Opera Company, said that this art was included in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2010.

 The representative of the China National Peking Opera Company said that The Legend of the White Snake is a story that comes from Chinese mythology, that tells the existence of a mountain where two snakes lived (one white and one green) that went down to town and had the power to transform themselves into humans.

 "Going down to the mundane they found a man with whom a beautiful story started and, like every love story, characters and vicissitudes mixed together as well as dramatic moments. The important thing about these stories is that good defeats evil”, he said.

 Song Chen explained that this scene proposal shows the constant renovation of the company to adopt new forms, especially in the adaptation of the story made by its members.

 "Innovation is mainly in the forms, in a different makeup, in changes in the set design and in the script, rather than in the content. Through the renovation and the modification of the costumes and the scenography, we achieve an effect that surprises the audience, in each performance beauty and the esthetic sense of the play are improved”, he explained.

 Song Chen said that in the middle of the innovative scenography, a choreographic fight was set where traditional martial styles of China will be seen. "The opera is made up of several parts that includes singing, choreography, fights, dance and we have made innovations in each of the areas to make a full and a rich presentation”.

 He explained that the artists that make up the assembly are specialized creative in this genre and indicated that besides actors and dancers, there is a live musical group. "Musicians are an important part of the presentation; the costumes are emblematic because both the makeup and costumes are an art in itself”.

 The actors of The Legend of the Snake are: Fu Jia (White Snake), Zhang Bing (Xu Xian) and Bai Weichen (green snake); Lyu Kunshan (boatman); Tan Shuai (Fa Hai); Zhu Lingyu (fairy deer); Wang Yuzhou (fairy crane); Zhang Yaning (little monk); Wang Yuzhou (messenger of Buddha); Zhu Lingyu (God of Jinjia); Yan Shiqi (South God), and Ma Along (Wei Tuo).

The National Peking Opera Company will be presented on August 11th and 12th  at 20:00 in the Main Hall of the Palace of Fine Arts, Ave. Juarez and Eje Central, Historic Center.

 The presentation will be broadcasted via streaming on the website of the INBA and the huge screen of the Angela Peralta walkway, next to the Palace of Fine Arts.


Mexico,Distrito Federal