
Under theCultura en movimientoprogram of the State Institute of Culture

The Allegory of Mexico mural was donated to Ecuador

July 13, 2016

On July 8th the Allegory of Mexico mural was inaugurated in Quito, Ecuador made by restorer and artist Eliseo Mijangos of Jesus, with the support of the State Institute of Culture (IEC, for its acronym in Spanish) of Guanajuato.

The work, also supported by students from the Course-workshop Pintura Mural Tesela de Vidrio 2015, was donated to the Ecuadorian people under the Cultura en Movimiento program from the IEC and it is on display permanently at Parque Mexico for the purpose to highlight Guanajuato’s artistic and cultural activities, in addition to promote young artists abroad.

 The work reflects key moments in the country's history with scenes ranging from the prehispanic Mexico to contemporary times, through the Colony, the Independence, the industrialization of the twentieth century, with representative figures of national history, such as Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz and Diego Rivera among others. In addition, we can find emblematic places such as the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Aqueduct of Queretaro, the Angel of Independence and the Alhóndiga de Granaditas.

 Eliseo Mijangos, along with 24 young artists, was eager the mural cross borders in order to serve as an invitation to visit Mexico, and specifically Guanajuato, because the South American nation has empathy, respect and interest to Mexican culture.

 The opening of the event and the Guanajuato week took place simultaneously in Quito, where there was an exhibit about the works presented during the Cultural Heritage of Guanajuato photo contest, in addition to present teacher Teresa del Pomar’s collection: La grandeza de la miniatura, exhition from the Museo del Pueblo.

 Also, a film series was presented with the support of the International Guanajuato Film Festival (FICG, for its acronym for Spanish), made up of national short films, as well as workshops and conferences related to mural painting and the creative process and shipment of Allegory of Mexico.

It should be noted that the piece, formed of 18 panels made with the technique of Byzantine mosaic representing scenes from Mexican costumbrismo, spent a month in the Museo Mural Diego Rivera in Mexico City before leaving for the South American country.

 “The challenge was to ensure an optimum shipment and to open a window to bring Mexico’s culture and art”, Daniel Ruvalcaba Mosqueda, director of Archaeological Affairs from the IEC, said.

 Parque Mexico (Ecuador) is a new bond between two brother peoples consolidating with this project the Cultura en movimiento program, which has spread the artistic work of the organization in other countries since 2011.


Mexico,Distrito Federal