
The Centro Cultural del Bosque and the Teatro de la Ciudad are part of the venues

Ten countries will participate in the First International Contemporary Dance Festival in Mexico City

July 12, 2016

The First International Contemporary Dance Festival (FIDCDMX, for its acronym in Spanish) will take place in Mexico City from July 29th to August 14th and will bring together 20 companies from Japan, Syria, United States, Italy, Venezuela, Israel, Taiwan, Scotland, Spain, Austria and Mexico.

 Dancer and choreographer Rodrigo González, organizer of the event, accompanied by Raul Támez said that so far, there was not a project of this nature in the city that is committed with shows created from an investigation about the movement and corporal biomechanics.

 "We made a curatorship to invite companies and choreographers who have a body proposal committed to the movement, leaving the schemes of some choreographers who seek for very contained short movements, and creating more images than risky corporal mechanics, that is why we are going for that side of dance”.

Following a call, to which around 300 companies worldwide applied for, 10 national and 10 international groups were selected to give an interesting balance of proposals.

"We have very solid companies, as well as newly created emerging projects that are committed to the search and investigation of movement."

The participating groups will be Rachel Erdos (Israel), Tomas Danielis (Austria), Ahmad Shaaban (Syria), Anna Borrás (Spain), Gennaro Maione (Italy), Tomohiko Kyogoku (Japan), Iona Kewney (Scotland), Tanz Company (Austria) and Agente Libre (Venezuela).

 From the U.S.: Almanac, Colby Damnon, Carmen Caceres, Imee Dance Company and Danceable Projects; while Mexico will be represented by Oscar Ruvalcaba Compañía, Proyecto Finisterra, La Manga Video and Danza, Patricia Marin, Convexux Ballet, Elisa Rodriguez Ostuni and Alexandra Pereda.

The festival will have different venues: Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris, Hall of El Bosque Cultural Center, Hall of Dance of the Direction of Dance UNAM, Julián Carrillo Hall of Radio UNAM; La Cantera forum and Teatro Alternativa Escénica.

Rodrigo Gonzalez pointed out that all performances will be shared and each program will be different, which will allow the public to appreciate different esthetic, while the dancers will be able to live with their colleagues and make a feedback.

"The invitation is for people to see contemporary dance with different eyes, the coolest proposals in this discipline and to share with them a living human act".

In addition to the presentations there will be some workshops by renowned dancers such as Anna Borras, from Spain, and Erick Montes, among others.

The First International Contemporary Dance Festival in Mexico City (FIDCDMX) has the support of the Department of Culture of the Government of the Republic, through the National Institute of Fine Arts at the Centro Cultural del Bosque, among other bodies.

Mexico,Distrito Federal