
The magic of the smile in the Gulf of Mexico will be exhibited in Brazil

The Department of Culture strengthens the presence of Mexico´s art and culture worldwide

July 10, 2016

With the support of the Department of Culture, headed by Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, Mexico’s art and culture consolidate its presence throughout the world, not only with exhibitions, but also with the participation of national artists in film festivals, international book fairs and other gatherings.

There are currently on display: The pending exhibition in Buenos Aires which includes over 70 pieces by José Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros and Diego Rivera; The Mayans. The language of beauty in Germany, as part of the in the Mexico-Germany Dual Year; and Mexican painter Sergio Hernández’s exhibitions in Italy and Colombia.

The international program activities will be increased in the second half of the year in several countries.

The MEX I AM Festival starts this week in San Francisco, California, where the federal agency supports the presence of singer Ximena Sariñana and there will also be an important participation of creators at the International Film Festival of Leipzig in Germany.

As part of the Olympic Games to be held in Brazil, Mexico will inaugurate The magic of the smile in the Gulf of Mexico exhibition made up of smiling archaeological pieces, while in October a Mexican modernism exhibition will be presented in Philadelphia.

Mexico. Renaissances will be exhibited at the Grand Palais in Paris from October 5th to January 23rd 2017; in December, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) will host an exhibition of talks between Pablo Picasso and Diego Rivera, and The pending exhibition will travel to Lima, Peru next year.

 The aim is to present the best of Mexico worldwide, with archaeological displays, innovative and high quality exhibitions for different audiences, such as Pablo Picasso’s and Diego Rivera’s work, which will show the cultural exchange between Mexican painter with whom is considered by many the most important artist of the twentieth century.

Mexico has a great historical cultural richness, and currently is one of the most important countries of Latin America in contemporary art, with internationally-known artists present worldwide.

The Department of Culture supports the presence of compatriot artists and directors in film festivals where many Mexicans are invited, as well as book fairs. Next August a delegation of Mexico will be present at the International Beijing Book Fair with a significant participation of children and young people literature writers.

 Also, the Department of Culture will bring to Mexico the best of international creation for the national public, so The Awakenings Gala will be presented on July 30th in Guadalajara, with Isaac Hernández and 30 dancers coming from all over the world.

 In October the First World Poetry Gathering of Indigenous Peoples will be held, with the participation of 57 national and foreign writers, at the Palace of Fine Arts and will have several locations within the Republic.

Regarding the exhibitions, the National Museum of San Carlos hosts the Sensuality and Beauty exhibition, with Antonio Canova’s work (1757-1822), one of the most prominent Italian sculptors of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; the Old College of San Ildefonso will present in September masterpieces of the National Art Museum of China, while the National Museum of Art (Munal, for its contraction is Spanish) will show Violence and passion as part of the Mexico-Germany Dual Year.

Picasso’s and Rivera’s works, as well as the Mexican modernism ones will be exhibited at the Palace of Fine Arts next year after its presentation in Los Angeles and Philadelphia respectively.


Mexico,Distrito Federal