
Until August 28th

Sergio Hernandez´s Blood and Lead exhibition will be inaugurated at the Modern Art Museum of Bogota

June 28, 2016

Over 40 large pieces, made with innovative techniques and Mexican artist Sergio Hernandez’s particular style, are part of the Blood and Lead exhibition which will be inaugurated on Thursday June 30th at the Modern Art Museum of Bogota (Mambo, for its acronym in Spanish), in Colombia.

 The exhibition, curated by historian, researcher and writer Giorgio Antei is the most important one dedicated to the Mexican in South America.

The pieces were made in a period of over 30 years but there are also Oaxacan artist’s latest production representative works which are filled of color, magic and mysticism.

 In Blood and Lead, pieces like Leads will be exhibited (large metal sheets created with alchemical procedures), The Fervent (oil paintings on a sand base, colored with cinnabar and other ancient pigments) and the Hernandino-Mixteco Codex, an engraved and enlightened by hand version of a pictorial series based on the Mixteca region’s expressive tradition.

In the context of the exhibition, two books of the artist curated by Giorgio Antei and published by Italian publisher Franco Maria Ricci will be presented: Hernandez, three passions and the Hernandino-Mixteco Codex.

Sergio Hernandez was born in 1957 in Santa Maria Xochistlapilco, a town located near Huajuapan de Leon, in the Sierra Mixteca of Oaxaca. He studied at the National School of Plastic Arts (1973-1974) and the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving La Esmeralda (1975-1981) of Mexico City.

In 1987 he moved to Europe where he started in the graphics at Peter Bramsen’s studio in Paris, since then his artistic production has been very varied and complete as he has worked different areas of visual arts, such as engraving, sculpture, ceramics , painting and drawing, becoming one of Mexico’s leading artists today.

 Sergio Hernandez’s work is in the permanent collections of museums such as the Modern Art Museum in Mexico City, the Monterrey Museum, the Institute of Graphic Arts of Oaxaca (IAGO, for its acronym in Spanish), the Museum of Contemporary Art of Aguascalientes, the San Antonio Museum of Art and the Würth Künzelau Museum in Germany, among others.

Blood and Lead will be opened at the Modern Art Museum of Bogota (Mambo, for its acronym in Spanish) on Thursday June 30th at 18:00 pm, located at Calle 24 No. 6-00, Bogota, Colombia.

The exhibition has the support of the departments of Culture and Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic, as well as the Embassy of Mexico in Colombia, and it will run until August 28th.


Mexico,Distrito Federal