
Consisting of 250,000 USD

The third call to participate in the International Carlos Fuentes Award for Literary Creation in the Spanish Language is opened

June 09, 2016

The Department of Culture and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, for its acronym in Spanish) announced the third call of the International Carlos Fuentes Award for Literary Creation in Spanish Language, valid from June 9th to September 28th, with an amount in pesos equivalent to 250,000 US dollars, which aims to recognize the great storytellers’ work.

 The event, held in the Hall El Generalito of San Ildefonso Old School, in the presence of Silvia Lemus, widow of the writer, and director of the UNAM, Enrique Graue; the Secretary of Culture, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, pointed out that the biennial award is undoubtedly one of the most important that Mexico gives in Spanish language, like Mario Vargas Llosa’s in 2012 and Sergio Ramirez Mercado’s in 2014.

 "It is a pride that this award is called Carlos Fuentes, one of the Mexican successors of an extraordinary humanist and narrative tradition, an heir of an uninterrupted culture of many centuries in Mexico", said the Secretary of Culture.

 In turn, Silvia Lemus recalled Carlos Fuentes’s everyday life, a universal man who dedicated all his days to the letters in the solitude of his office, so she said that he would have been surprised of an award named after him.

 “This is an award to our language. I hope it continues, and I am sure we will have a third winner with the same literary qualities as the previous ones”, she said.

Meanwhile, Enrique Graue said that Carlos Fuentes was able to build a bridge between all the Spanish speaking countries, because he crossed borders, challenged prejudices, claimed injustices, strengthened identities and aspired to equality among peoples.

He emphasized that the UNAM honors the figure of the writer and diplomat with this award consisting of a diploma, a sculpture designed by artist Vicente Rojo and an amount in Mexican pesos equivalent to 250,000 US dollars, which will be given by the President of the Republic before the end of the year.

According to the rules, only recognized writers’ candidatures, whose literary work, as a whole or substantial part is written in Spanish, will be admitted.

 The previous winners will be part of the jury of this edition, accompanied by a member of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE, for its acronym in Spanish), a member of the Spanish Language Mexican Academy  and two personalities from the academic and literary sectors (one proposed by the UNAM and the other one by the Department of Culture).

 To know the rules of the competition please visit:


Mexico,Distrito Federal