
Until July 12th

Sergio Hernandez´s visual proposal comes to Italy·

June 09, 2016

Mexican artist Sergio Hernandez (Huajuapan de Leon, Oaxaca, 1957), accompanied by the Ambassador of Mexico in Italy, Juan José Guerra Abud, and the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Italy Antimo Cesaro, opened his Aferro & Fuoco (Iron and fire) exhibition on June 8th at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni

 The exhibition is made up of 12 oil paintings, 19 works of lead and 14 other creations of this material, made between 2013 and 2016 by the Oaxacan artist, who has a Mexican creative and modern personality, through which a modern expressive style and the best tradition of his home town can be seen in his works.

 Curated by Giorgio Antei, the assembly is divided into two sections: Aferro (Iron) and Fuoco (Fire), with which the artist addresses and represents the violence in the world.

The sculptures that make up Leads are pieces created from an original test of ancient materials almost alchemical that maestro Hernandez has reinvented, while The Fervent is a series of paintings inspired in cinnabar or vermilion color of the work Crucifixion by Matthias Grünewald (1470-1528), which you can see at the Unterlinden Museum in Colmar, France.

The exhibition also shows toy soldiers figures made of lead that include a series of war themed altars, a way of saying that war will bury them all in a lead coffin.

 In the text that curator Giorgio Antei wrote for the exhibition he said that Sergio Hernandez gives  symbolically back the meaning of the Renaissance with the cinnabar red, cobalt blue and lead white colors that appear in The Fervent series. Regarding this one, maestro Hernández transfers to his imaginary universe, symbols and lost beliefs in space and time.

 To Antei, the Aferro & Fuoco (Iron and Fire) exhibition is the opportunity for the Italian public to see for the first time Sergio Hernandez’s lead sculptures and paintings, which relate "the absurd violence nowadays."

 As part of the exhibition, which will be opened until July 12th at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, it will be presented the book, Hernández. Three passions.

 It is estimated that for September and October the exhibition will be housed at the Franco Maria Ricci Museum in Parma, a new place of international prestige known as The Labyrinth in Fontanellato.

The Aferro & Fuoco (Iron and fire) exhibition has the support of the Departments of Culture and Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic and the Embassy of Mexico in Italy, and it came up following an invitation from curator Giorgio Antei preceding another exhibition of Mexican painter, Blood and Lead, to be exhibited in Colombia at Modern Art Museum of Bogota (MAMBO, for its acronym in Spanish), from June 30th to August 28th 2016.

 Sergio Hernandez studied at the National School of Plastic Arts (1973-1974) and the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving La Esmeralda (1975-1981) of Mexico City. Then in 1987 he moved to Europe where he started in the graphics at Peter Bramsen’s studio in Paris.

 Since then his artistic production has been very varied and complete as he has worked different areas of visual arts, such as engraving, sculpture and ceramics, as well as painting and drawing, becoming one of Mexico’s leading artists today.


Mexico,Distrito Federal