
Over a thousand activities for 12 months

Inauguration of the Dual Year Mexico-Germany with a great concert at the Palace of Fine Arts

June 07, 2016

The Dual Year Mexico-Germany, an initiative of over a thousand activities, 120 bilateral projects and six thematic pillars including culture, education, innovation, science, sustainability and mobility, was inaugurated on Monday evening April 6th with a grand concert at the Palace of Fine Arts, where Mexican director Alondra de la Parra took the baton between the Federal Youth Orchestra of Germany and the School Orchestra Carlos Chávez.

Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, Secretary of Culture, chaired together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the opening ceremony which he called a binational event of roots and traditions, covering twelve months in which Germany will present a comprehensive program of activities in Mexico city, Tijuana, Oaxaca, Guadalajara, Puebla, Veracruz. Merida, Morelia, Queretaro, Toluca, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, and Monterrey

 He said that Germany and Mexico have maintained long ago historical and cultural ties and today with this Dual Year celebration new bridges will be laid through a transversal program that allows us to approach the best of both peoples’ culture to renew their strategic alliance.

The concert joined over time two great composers of Germany and Mexico, Ludwig van Beethoven with his Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55, Eroica, with six full movements, and Silvestre Revueltas with La noche de los mayas (Night of the Mayas), with its four movements entitled: Noche de los mayas (Night of the Mayas), Noche de jaranas (Jarana nights), Noche de Yucatán (Yucatan Night) and Noche de encantamiento (Night of enchantment).

 Alondra de la Parra and the youth orchestras from both countries were cheered by the audience at all levels of the Main Hall of the Palace of Fine Arts.

The head of Culture said that Mexico’s activities in Germany started in Berlin last April with the inauguration of The Maya, the language of beauty exhibition by President Enrique Peña Nieto at the Martin-Gropius-Bau Museum, and reciprocally, he said, our country will receive Otto Dix’s exhibitions at the National Museum of Art; Color Gods at the Palace Museum of Fine Arts; and The Secret Life of Plants for Robert Fludd by Anselm Kiefer, at the Old School of San Ildefonso. In addition, Germany with its authors and books will be guest of honor at the International Children and Youth Book Fair.

On his behalf, Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said this Dual Year will provide an opportunity to strengthen relations between the two nations showing many cultural, scientific, educational and economic interests that both share to build a promising future.


Mexico,Distrito Federal