
Upcoming performances on May 24th, 26th, 29th and 31st

Javier Camarena now succeeds in the role of Arturo Talbot in the opera, The Puritans, at the Palace of Fine Arts.

May 23, 2016

The Javier Camarena's return to the Palace of Fine Arts was considered a dream by the audience. The public cheered and applauded the tenor enthusiastically at the end of the opera, The Puritans.

 The singer, who this time made his debut as Lord Arthur Talbot, as part of his transition to a more lyrical repertoire, showed once again his acting in the role of a deep vocal demand.

 With a new production by the Fine Arts Opera and after 36 years of being presented in the same scenario, The Puritans by Vicenzio Bellini, counted on Ragnar Conde’s stage direction and Srba Dinic’s conducting, with the Orchestra and Choir of the Fine Arts Theater.

The soprano Leticia Altamirano, named the Bicentennial Voice in 2010 by the Department of Culture also received special recognition by the audience in the character of Elvira.

From the first act, the singer faced the challenge of showing a wide range of tones and in extreme coloratura like in the aria (solo voice song):Ah, sí, son vergin vezzosa”.

 The rest of the cast was made up of Armando Piña, as Sir Riccardo Forth; Rosendo Flores as Sir Giorgio Valton, and José Luis Reynoso, as Lord Gualtiero Valton and Isabel Stüber (intern of the studio of the Fine Arts Opera) as Henriette de France.

The opera divided into three acts and located in the middle of the seventeenth century, tells the love story of Elvira, daughter of Lord Walton, and Arthur, knight supporter of the Stuarts.

The plot is set in a context in which Cromwell, English military leader, overthrew and led Charles I to the gallows, the last king of the Stuart dynasty, so his supporters, the Puritans, who practiced Protestantism pushed to the limit, pursued queen Henrietta of France and his son, Charles II.

 On her wedding day, Arthur decided to save Enriqueta taking her out of the castle putting her a veil passing herself off as his future wife. However, when Elvira realized her disappearance went crazy and raved, while Arthur was sentenced to death for treason.

In this period staging it can be seen the ruins of a Gothic stone building architecture along with a chiaroscuro lighting that result in scenes almost taken from a painting.

Brisa Alonso’s costume design respects the puritan fashion simple dress of mocha, brown and red colors, unlike the main actor, who wears ample bourgeois style dresses.

 In 2012, Javier Camarena stars in The Barber of Seville. Now, in The Puritans, he will alternate role with his Italian counterpart, Alessandro Luciano in the performances on May 24th and 31st.

 The tenor, who has become the first singer in the last 70 years, offering an encore in two consecutive productions of the Metropolitan Opera House, will be presented with the same character in the Teatro Real in Madrid within a few weeks.

 Later he will debut as the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto, at the Liceo in Barcelona. His debut at the Covent Garden in London will be held with The Barber of Seville by Rossini.

 The presentation of The Puritans could be followed on the big screen in high definition, at the Angela Peralta pedestrian walkway, next to the maximum cultural center of the country and via streaming through the link:

Performances will continue on May 24th, 26th and 31st at 20:00 pm, and on May 29th at 17:00 pm in the Main Hall of the Palace of Fine Arts. Tickets: $ 650, $ 500, $ 400, $ 250, $ 150.


Mexico,Distrito Federal