
It would provide the richness that our peoples have contributed to universal culture

Mexico proposes to create the Encyclopedia of Ibero-American Literature

May 20, 2016

Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.- "The creation that has taken place in any of our countries is part of the spiritual richness of mankind: it transfigures our realities, confirms diversity, feeds dreams, it is a source of joy and contributes to others and ourselves’ knowledge "

 This is what Secretary of Culture of the federal government, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa said as part of the XVIII Ibero-American Summit of Ministers of Culture, held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, where he highlighted some of the Mexicans’ achievements in cultural policy in this administration, with programs such as Culture in Harmony as well as to support projects, like the Encyclopedia of Culture in Mexico.

"The Department of Culture of Mexico endorses the efforts made by the Mexican Letters Foundation which is available for free via Internet (http // /) and today is visited by an average of three thousand people daily, allowing valuable information on topics and authors who have contributed to Mexican literature, including authors from other countries who in various ways have been linked to ours.

The head of the Department of Culture invited the ministers and authorities participating in the Ibero-American Summit to find the criteria and methods that enable them to transform this work into a great Encyclopedia of Ibero-American Literature, in order to offer information to the world about the richness that our peoples have contributed with enormous talent and creativity to universal culture.

 Regarding the Culture in Harmony program, Tovar y de Teresa stated that it is an initiative that guarantees culture as a key element to restore the social structure, with activities coming from the communities themselves respecting their identity.

Also, he considered necessary to communicate with the tools that are integrated into the Ibero- American Digital Culture Agenda, which is the real possibility of creating the concept of the Ibero-American Common Space.

 In the beginning of the activities at the Casa del Marqués de Valdehoyos, an emblematic cultural area of Cartagena, Colombia, the Secretary of Culture also participated in the executive report on the commitments made at the XVII Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Culture (Mexico 2014) and the Organization of Ibero-American States-OEI programs, and the report on the Ibero-American Cooperation Programs.

Mexico,Distrito Federal