
From May 3rd at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Argentina

High expectation of visitors for Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros. La exposición pendiente and La conexión sur

April 29, 2016

In the architect Andrés Duprat’s opinion, director of the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros. La exposición pendiente (The pending exhibition) and La conexión sur (The southern connection) will be a success of visitors and critics.

From May 3rd to August 7th, 2016 the institution located on Avenida del Libertador No. 1473, will host and display for the first time the three great Mexican muralists José Clemente Orozco’s, Diego Rivera’s and David Alfaro Siqueiros’s works, from the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (MACG, for its acronym in Spanish) collection of Mexico.

 The proposal of the Argentinian institution is to present The pending exhibition, consisting of 76 works, which were seen by over 60,000 people from November 2015 to February 2016 at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago de Chile; which they were part of the Orozco, Rivera and Siqueiros. Mexican painting exhibition, organized by the museographer Fernando Gamboa that should have opened on September 13th 1973 in Santiago de Chile, but was canceled because of the Augusto Pinochet’s military coup on September 11.

 The assembly is completed by La conexión sur (The southern connection), curated by Cristina Rossi, which through 40 pieces reflects the influence such Mexican artists had on renowned local artists’s art, such as Antonio Berni, Lino Enea Spilimbergo, Diana Dowek, Carlos Alonso and Juan Carlos Romero.

In an interview, Andrés Duprat said that when he saw the exhibition in Santiago de Chile seemed wonderful to him not only for the works, but for the story that, after the military coup, Fernando Gamboa took the pictures and safeguarded, which he considers it is a metaphor for those years in America.

He noted that the novelty of this exhibition is that Diego Rivera’s, Jose Clemente Orozco’s and David Alfaro Siqueiros’s works are together in the National Museum of Fine Arts.

"That is a reason of a unique attraction. I liked, in particular, the Carlos Palacios’s curatorship and this idea of naming it La exposición pendiente (The pending exhibition); I think it is an historical and persistent recognition to achieve the exhibit. "

 The curator and also film writer indicated that La conexión sur (The southern connection) reflects the ties, relationships and influences of the three Mexicans in the Argentinian plastic art from the thirties to the seventies, a period when the military coup happened.

"There is an influence of the three Mexican masters in Argentina, so there is an entire school since then. I cannot stop mentioning that Alfaro Siqueiros made the Ejercicio pástico mural in what it is now the Bicentennial Museum of Buenos Aires”, he said.

He said that “of the most diverse” 40 pieces will be seen in this section. Drawings by José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros, from private collections articulated with pieces of Argentinian artists, such as Gertrudis Chale, Carlos Alonso, Juan Carlos Romero and Diana Dowek.

 "There is a lot of documentation, there is a projection of large murals fragments, especially in Mexico; photographic documents, such as Siqueiros’s imprisonment, audiovisual documentation of Pinochet’s military coup and the circumstances of Chile’s exhibition” the former director of Visual Arts of the Department of Culture of the Nation, (2005-2015) said

He recognized that there is a great expectation, which can be seen in the comments of people of art and media coverage. "Argentina is a country of great tradition and visual arts very interested in cultural events; Buenos Aires is an active city with a restless and curious public. We have high expectations regarding this high quality show with much accessibility on this topic to any audience. "

 To the National Museum of Fine Arts, which receives over half a million people annually, these exhibitions will be the most important ones this year.

 La exposición pendiente y La conexión sur, que se presentarán en Buenos Aires gracias al esfuerzo conjunto de México, Chile y Argentina, a través de sus organismos de cultura y sus representaciones diplomáticas, del Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, de los Museos de Bellas Artes de Chile y Argentina, será inaugurada el 3 de mayo en el recinto ubicado en Argentina.

La exposición pendiente (The pending exhibition) and La conexión sur (The southern connection), which will be presented in Buenos Aires thanks to the joint efforts of Mexico, Chile and Argentina, through their culture organizations and diplomatic representations, the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil and the Museum of Fine Arts of Chile and Argentina, will be inaugurated on May 3rd in the Argentinian institution.


Mexico,Distrito Federal