
Announcement of a new location in Yerba Buena neighborhood

The Department of Culture and the Mexican Museum of San Francisco strengthen cultural exchange

April 21, 2016

The Federal Government, through the Department of Culture, signed a letter of intent with the Mexican Museum of San Francisco, which strengthens ties through cultural exchange, in addition to have a new location in Yerba Buena, the neighborhood of the arts in San Francisco.

 The purpose is to showcase and disseminate Mexico’s art and culture in this museum which first stone will be placed in July, in addition to promote the participation of Mexican creators and artists.

José Luis Martínez, General Director of International Affairs of the Department of Culture said that this is a stage of collaboration between the two bodies through the execution of a series of joint activities.

We will provide Mexican emerging artists exhibitions through a mechanism of medium-term loans of Mexican art; i.e. the works will return to our country after a certain time. There will also be film showings, so the cinema will be present, the official said.

 He also noted that the educational part of the museum will be very important, so conferences and lectures given by national artists are considered.

 He added that there is willingness to cooperate on both sides, once the museum opens its doors, which is expected to be in 2018, with the exhibition, Mexicanidad.

 The Mexican Museum of San Francisco has a permanent collection of over 16,500 objects, including pre-Hispanic, colonial, modern, popular, contemporary, Mexican, Latino and Chicano art.

The museum seeks to be a primary source of arts and humanities for art, history and Latin culture studies, which currently continues to offer educational and public programming throughout San Francisco area.

 Mexican Enrique Norten, design manager of the National School of Theatrical Art of the National Arts Center (Cenart, for its contraction in Spanish) and World Arts Award Leonardo da Vinci of World Cultural Council winner in 2005, will be in charge of the architectural project.

 The letter of intent was signed by José Luis Martínez, General Director of International Affairs of the Department of Culture and Andrew Kluger, Board Chairman of The Mexican Museum of San Francisco.


Mexico,Distrito Federal