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The Department of Culture will celebrate the work of Cervantes, Shakespeare, Garro and Rulfo in the World Book Day

April 06, 2016

Miguel de Cervantes’s and William Shakespeare’s 400th death anniversary, Elena Garro’s birth centenary, and Juan Rulfo’s 30th death anniversary, will be the honored writers on Saturday April 23rd in commemoration of the World Book and Copyright Day, in places like the Palace of Fine Arts, Centro Cultural Elena Garro, la Fábrica de Artes y Oficios de Oriente (Arts and Crafts Factory, FARO, for its acronym in Spanish) and the Pantheon of San Fernando.

A fictitious conversation between the honored authors, an analysis of the way Don Quixote’s image has evolved over the years, stilts shows, Kamishibai performances (a kind of small theater in which a story is told with images, drawings and texts), parades, passacaglia (parade of characterized artists), improvisation theater, reading aloud, readers gathering, film workshops and more, are part of the program that the Department of Culture of the federal government, headed by Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, diversifies the way to remember and encourage the public of all ages, the work of those who have left an essential literary legacy.

The activities at the Palace of Fine Arts, which will start at 11:00 am until 5 pm, include a reflection table Las imágenes de El Quijote (The images of Don Quixote), with illustrator Mauricio Gómez Morin, FILIJ 2016 Ambassador, and the poet David Huerta, in the Manuel M. Ponce hall, while outside the building the public can enjoy: the kamishibai story telling El Quijote para niños (Don Quixote for children) and the parade Reinterpretando a Shakespeare (Reinterpreting Shakespeare) in which the Hot Brothers group will play to the beat of dixieland music pieces inspired in the playwright’s work such as Romeo and Juliet, by Sergei Prokofiev, A Midsummer night's Dream by Felix Mendelssohn or The Tempest by Henry Purcell.

The program will continue with Historias para Shakespeare (Stories for Shakespeare), an Impro Top show, a group of actors who improvise stories from English author’s creations; Regina Orozco will make a reading aloud in tribute to Elena Garro, and a readers gathering of El Quijote de la Mancha will be held, with the participation of professional artists who will draw passages of the novel, with Mauricio Gómez Morin’s guidance.

Also, it will be held the embroidery workshop, Rulfo Textil. Del libro a la tela (Rulfo Textil. From  the book to the fabric) that seeks to relate the technical and social aspects of this art with literature and writing and the radio drama workshop, No oyes ladrar los perros (Don’t you hear the dogs barking) based on the story of the same name, included in El llano en llamas by Juan Rulfo, which will take place throughout the day and will include sessions to promote reading and writing for children.

In collaboration with the Department of Culture of Mexico City, the FARO de Oriente program will start at 10:30 am, with Tres historias de Shakespeare (Three stories of Shakespeare), musical troupe for children by La Quinta Teatro , which will present Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night and King Lear through the kamishibai  riding a bicycle (popular way of telling stories, originally from Japan). Pro-Alterne Teatro will offer the dramatization El Quijote en zancos (Don Quixote on stilts), in which five actors will represent the scene of windmills, and the group Menjurje Colectivo will present their Homenaje Ciudadano (Citizen Tribute) to remembered writers, through the improvisation of a plastics art work with photographs and graffiti.

The actor Roberto Sosa will make a reading aloud in tribute to Juan Rulfo; the films, El imperio de la fortuna (The Empire of Fortune) by Arturo Ripstein and Pedro Páramo, by Carlos Velo, both based on the Jalisco writer’s work, will be showed and will be discussed by film critic José Antonio Valdés. Also collective readings of El Quijote de la Mancha will be held together with encourage reading and writing workshops for children as well as the embroidery workshop, Elena Textil. Del libro a la tela and the radio drama workshop, No oyes ladrar los perros.

 At the Centro Cultural Elena Garro, visitors will have access from 11:00 am to activities such as the musical storytelling Shakespeare para niños (Shakespeare for children), by Gisel Casas and Carlos Bretón (saxophone); the Literary Tournament Cervantes vs. Shakespeare (Don Quixote and Sancho vs. Prospero and Ariel), a friendly duel musical dialogue between these recognized characters; the improvisation to the hip hop beat titled Verbo Garro, by Mario Efyl Rotwailer; the reading aloud in tribute to Elena Garro by Héctor Bonilla and Sofía Álvarez and the kamishibai storytelling El Quijote para niños (Don Quixote for children). Also there will be a collective reading of El Quijote de la Mancha among these activities.

On April 23rd, the Saturday activities will reach it’s highest point with a unique gathering of honored writers at the Pantheon of San Fernando. From 18:00 pm and with the support of the Department of Culture, there will be a collective reading of Pedro Páramo, led by the narrator Gloria Avila Gilder, that will be followed by an entertaining and playful dialogue between Elena Garro, Juan Rulfo, Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, who will appear among the tombs, through a group of characterized storytellers: Marcela Romero, Jermán Argueta, Guillermo Henry and Apolonio Mondragón.

The commemoration will echo nationwide. The Department of Culture will distribute special editions of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (edition of the Iconographic Museum of Don Quixote), Noticias del porvenir by Elena Garro and Pedro Páramo, El llano en llamas y El gallo de oro by Juan Rulfo, in Salas de lectura and other public spaces to promote reading, like the Infonavit housing units. In the above spaces there will be collective readings, workshops and storytelling.

The activities opening ceremony of World Book and Copyright Day will be held at 10:30 am in the Main Forum of the esplanade of the Palace of Fine Arts, and will be headed by officials of the General Directorate of Publications of the Department of Culture, the Department of Culture of Mexico City, the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA, for its acronym in Spanish) and Educal.









Mexico,Distrito Federal