
The Tijuana Cultural Center will remind the Argentinean poet on his 30th death anniversary

Jorge Luis Borges, a great renovator of literature

March 29, 2016

The commemoration of Jorge Luis Borges’s 30th death anniversary (Buenos Aires, August 24, 1899-Geneva, June 14, 1986) will start in Mexico in April and will be attended by Roberto Alifano, the Argentinean writer’s amanuensis who will carry out various activities in the cities of Mexico and Tijuana.

Poetry readings, lectures and debates are part of the activities planned in honor of Borges, of whom Alifano said: "he was an essentially literary person. A man who found the literature and from that moment his contributions were essential in every way, mainly because Borges was a man of genius. "

 Roberto Alifano’s approach with Borges began through his readings, then he could know him and worked over 10 years with the author of The aleph and Fervor de Buenos Aires (Passion for Buenos Aires), whom he described as "a really lovely person, a friendly man with a great sense of humor, an extraordinary man to talk to. "


To suggest

 The world is ready this year to celebrate the 30th death anniversary of who is considered the most internationally Argentinean well-known writer, whose political views prevented him from winning the Nobel Prize for Literature.

The universe of Borges was literature, because there, is where he provides all his genius to even renew it, said Argentine writer with 50 books to his credit. "In art, the meaning is given essentially through the forms and Borges is a man who was always devoted to literary forms and in that direction, without being an avant-garde writer, we can say he was a great literature renovator".

According to Alifano who was nominated this year for the Cervantes Literature Prize, Borges was primarily a poet "leaving an extraordinary work, because even Borges's prose is poetry, is deeply poetic."

 Thus, 30 years after his death, Borges’s amanuensis considered it is essential to read and reread the author of books such as Elogio de la sombra (In Praise of Darkness) and Los Conjurados (The conspirators). For this commemoration Alifano has already a full agenda that includes activities in Argentina, Mexico and some European countries, such as Spain, Italy and Germany

 In our country, Roberto Alifano will visit the Tijuana Cultural Center, where on Wednesday April 6th will offer an aloud reading of a selection of texts of two great writers of the twentieth century: Jorge Luis Borges and Pablo Neruda.

In this event, the Argentinean specialist said, he will focus on Borges's sonnets which are his favorites. "There's one that I think is splendid, entitled Everness.  One thing does not exist: Oblivion / God saves the metal and the dross, his key / Ciphers in his prophetic memory/ The moons to come, and moons of evenings gone. "and that even is a kind of key between him and Pope Francisco, because when they see each other they recite it together.

 While on Friday, April 8th he will give the lecture El Borges cotidiano (The everyday Borges), which will make a portrait of the daily life of the writer with whom he worked "10 long years," especially in translations such as Robert Louis Stevenson's fables, Hermann Hesse’s poetry and some stories by Lewis Carroll.

 "I would say that everything that Borges published in the last 10 years went through my hands. I had the privilege, without any doubt, it is a gift that I owe to life ".

 The Tijuana Cultural Center will open the exhibition, Borges inédito (Unique Borges), made up of 25 photographs  (90 percent of which are unpublished) taken by Rogelio Cuellar during the visit of Argentinean writer to Mexico in 1973.

Roberto Alifano will be in Mexico City on April 13th at the Capilla Alfonsina, "the house of Mr. Alfonso Reyes, who unfortunately did not get to know, but of who I am a very good reader”.

 "I'll have a dialogue with the teacher Adolfo Castañón, which is one of the great specialists of Mexico dedicated to Mr. Alfonso Reyes, who himself was a close friend of Jorge Luis Borges, they met in Buenos Aires in 1927, when Mr. Alfonso Reyes came to Argentina as Mexico's ambassador”.

Along with these activities, the last Borges’s amanuensis prepares a book that will be entitled Francisco y la literatura (Francisco and literature), from conversations with the Pope who is a great reader of Borges and Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and whom he met when Bergoglio priest visited Borges often, being a professor of literature and had a suject about Jorge Luis Borges’s poetry.

And it is practically impossible to think of the twentieth century literature without the Argentinean writer, creator of a very singular worldview, sustained over an original way of understanding concepts such as time, space, destiny or reality.

 His stories and essays are fed by complex symbols: fantastic ontologies, utopian grammars, imaginary mathematics and synchronic genealogies that offer a powerful erudition, a perfection of language, originality in his fictions and beauty in his poetry


Mexico,Distrito Federal