
From March 11th to 27th, with support from The Ministry of Culture

Mexico, special guest at the Iberoamerican Theater Festival of Bogota, will take several stagings to Colombia

March 07, 2016

Over 3,650 actors and 100 directors from 32 countries will present 164 plays with 855 performances during the 15th Iberoamerican Theater Festival of Bogota (FITB, for its acronym in Spanish) in Colombia.

In this ocassion, Mexico will be the guest country of honor of the 15th Iberoamerican Theater Festival of Bogota (FITB, for its acronym in Spanish), where it will participate with 11 stagings (50 performances) from March 11th to 27th, with support from the Ministry of Culture and other government agencies.

In the event, known as the Cultural Heritage of the Nation by the Colombian government since 2013, the most recent Mexican stagings as well as one dance will be presented: Baños Roma (Baths Rome), El círculo de cal (The circle of lime), Memorias de dos hijos caracol (Memoirs of two snail children), Mendoza (Mendoza), Misa fronteriza (Border Mass), Tristán e Isolda (Tristan and Isolde), Una luna para los malnacidos (A moon for the misbegotten), Pequeños territorios en reconstrucción (Small territories in reconstruction), Diez mil cosas (Ten thousand things), Las burbujas urbanas (Urban bubbles) and Zaicocirco as well as the Folkloric Ballet of the University of Guadalajara.

 In addition to the participation of Mexico, there will be a large performing arts exhibition from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Faraoe Islands which will include nine puppet shows, physical theater and dance.

Three hundred and twenty thousand seats in 63 scenes, and 40 halls will be available for FITB, in addition to 210 street theater performances, among other activities.

Mexican theater

 El círculo de cal (The circle of lime) from the Compañía Nacional de Teatro (National Theatre Company), will bring a free version of El círculo de tiza caucasiano (The Caucasian chalk circle) by Bertolt Brecht, written and directed by Luis de Tavira. Performances from March 11th to 15th at the Teatro Galería Cafam de Bellas Artes.

 The play, Mendoza from Los Colochos Teatro will perform at the Casa del Teatro Nacional (National Theater House) from March 11th to 13th. It is a staging based on Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, adapted to the revolutionary Mexico of the twentieth century, under the direction of Juan Carrillo

 Misa fronteriza (Border mass), from Gorguz Teatro and Universiteatro theater companies from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, invites you to cross boundaries between the sacred and the secular. It will perform from March 11th to 14th at the Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation.

 Tristan and Isolde, will be performed at the POP hall of the Teatro La trama de Gaitan from March 11th to 14th. Direction by Manuel Aguilar Mosco.

Carretera 45 Teatro, will present Memorias de dos hijos cararol (Memoirs of two snail children) in the Teatro Libre Centro (Free Theatre Center), from March 17th to 20th; a story of friendship between two children from the field. Written, directed and performed by Antonio Zuniga and Conchi León.

 Baños Roma, from the Teatro Línea de Sombra theather company, directed by Jorge A. Vargas, tells the story of legendary Cuban-Mexican boxer José Ángel Mantequilla Nápoles, with live music from Los centauros del Olimpo. It will be presented from March 18th to 20th in the Casa del Teatro Nacional (House of the National Theatre).

 Zaicocirco, from Luna Morena company is a fantasy circus and street spectacle that includes puppets, acrobatics and music. It will be presented from March 20th to 26th at Plazoleta Gran Estación.

 Pequeños territorios en reconstrucción (Small territories in reconstruction) is a play from Teatro Línea de Sombra company, a documentary fable between Mexico and Colombia, focusing on the meeting with the City of women. Performances from March 22nd to 24th at the Teatro Libre Centro.

From March 23rd to 27th, Teatro UNAM and Cornamusa production comes to the Casa del teatro nacional (House of the National Theatre) with Una luna para los malnacidos (A Moon for the misbegotten), Mexican version of Eugene O'Neill's tragedy that mixes a savage sense of humor with love. It is directed by Mario Espinosa.

Teatro de Babel will present performances from Burbujas Urbanas (Urban Bubbles) Dramafest: Muestrario callejero, directed by David Gaitan, Ana Francis Mor, José Luis Aguilera and José Luis Saldaña, from March 25th to 27th, at Parque de la 93.

 Also the Folkloric Ballet of the University of Guadalajara will participate as part of the celebration of its 50th anniversary, with a repertoire of sones, danzones, corridos, rancheras, fandangos, jarabes and fishing and farming songs. About 168 dancers and musicians will gather on stage.

Other institutions that support the participation of companies in the festival are: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SER, for its acronym in Spanish), the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA, for its acronym in Spanish), the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA, for its acronym in Spanish), the National Coordination Theatre, the National Theatre Company (CNT, for its acronym in Spanish), the National Council for Culture and Arts of Nuevo Leon (Conarte, for its contraction in Spanish), the University of Guadalajara and Dramafest.

For more information about the Iberoamerican Theater Festival of Bogota (FITB) program:



Mexico,Distrito Federal