
From March 8th

The Ministry of Culture announces tribute for the centenary of Elena Garro´s birth

February 23, 2016

The Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with various states of the country, will celebrate with several activities the Centenary of Elena Garro's birth (Puebla, December 11, 1916-Mexico City, August 22, 1998) in which it will include both events headed by recognized figures in the world of letters, and varied artistic expressions with which it will present to various audiences the huge legacy from whom is considered one of the most important creators in the history of national literature.

 As part of the commemorative program to be held in Mexico City and in several states of the Mexican Republic, there will be: tributes, staging including street theater in indigenous language, microteatro, radio drama; dramatized readings, film series, seminars, exhibitions, presentations and special editions of books; music and the creation of a virtual micro space.

Baja California, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Yucatan, are part of the states that will join the recognition of the novelist, poet, story writer, dramatist, writer and Mexican journalist, awarded the Xavier Villaurrutia 1963 Prize for Los recuerdos del porvenir (The memories of the future), the Grijalbo Award in 1989 and the Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize in 1996.

 The activities will start with a talk between writers on March 8, International Women's Day as a way to remember her, and who also fought in defense of gender equality, an issue that is present in some of her plays.

 The table, Women writers, 100 years of Elena Garro will be held at 19:00 in the Manuel M. Ponce hall of the Palace of Fine Arts, with the participation of Beatriz Espejo and Patricia Vega, among other authors.

 The playwright, theater director and poet Miguel Sabido will direct three actors in Elena Garro's plays reading on March 20 and December 11.

 Also, on March 20 at 12:00 pm in the Sala Manuel M. Ponce will start the Lecturas dramatizadas: Elena Garro 100 años (Dramatized Readings: Elena Garro 100 years) series, with the support of Extensión Cultural (Cultural Extension) of the National Institute of Fine Arts.

Dramatized readings of author's plays, will take place with the participation of renowned actors of the Leo…luego existo (I read ... therefore I am) Program and the National Theatre Company, in the same hall of the Palace of Fine Arts from March to November, a Sunday of each month (April 10th, May 22nd, June 12th, July 10th, August 14th, September 11th, October 9th and November 13th)

Also, Patricia López Lopátegui will present several editions about Elena Garro on December 4th and a ceremony for the celebration of Elena Garro's birth will be held on March 11th, closing the Dramatized Readings series.

 In addition, some activities will be held including workshops, dramatized readings and music at multiple locations in Mexico City and several states, as part of the celebrations for World Book Day on April 23.

 The Elena Garro Cultural Center will be the heart of the activities to be held in the capital. It will join the celebrations for the International Day of the Book and from May to December will develop a special program that will include several radio drama live performings, with plays by Elena Garro and directed by José Solé, which will be presented in the auditorium of the institution and will be podcast recorded and on the Internet broadcast at different times.

 An introductory seminar of Elena Garro's world will be organized that will be repeated in Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, Puebla and Yucatan, where literary researchers and writers will initiate dialogues about topics related to the author's life and work.

The Documentation Elena Garro Center will open in December where first editions of her books, letters, articles, audios and pictures can be seen; plus performances of a play based on La señora en su balcón (The lady on her balcony), under Mario Espinosa's direction.

 In addition, the 100 years of Elena Garro film series is scheduled, with films such as Los recuerdos del porvenir (Memories of the Future), Las señoritas Vivanco (The Vivanco ladies) and Las puertas del paraíso (The doors of Paradise), and also a reading club as part of the closing events.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Culture and the Fondo de Cultura Económica (Economic Culture Fund) will co-publish Elena Garro's short story and while the distribution of the special edition, Los recuerdos del porvenir (Memories of the future), is made in Salas de lectura (Reading rooms) across the country, collective reading days will be organized in the states in July.

 Regarding the National Institute of Fine Arts, a virtual micro space, the Theatre Book Fair, will be inaugurated with exhibitions, dramatized readings, the table Women writers, Elena Garro's 100 years, among other activities, which will conclude on December 11th, date of the centenary of Elena Garro's birth.

 The National Theatre Company (CNT, for its acronym in Spanish), in co-production with Sistemas de Teatros de la Ciudad de México (Theaters System of Mexico City), will release a staging under Sandra Felix's direction, based on the plays: Andarse en las ramas (Walk on branches), La señora en su balcón (The lady on her balcony) and Un hogar sólido (A solid home), as a tribute and recognition to one of the most important Mexican playwrights, pioneer of the trend known as Magical Realism taken to the theater, which will take place during August and September at the Benito Juárez theater and the Héctor Mendoza hall.

 In collaboration with the National Coordination of Literature, the School of Theater Arts, the National Theater Company, the Center for Theater Research Rodolfo Usigli (CITRU, for its acronym in Spanish), among others, and with the participation of specialists, playwrights and performing arts directors, will organize the 9th Theater Book Fair, dedicated to Elena Garro on September 27th to October 2nd.

Together with the CITRU and Paso de Gato publishing, the specialized and criticism round tables, will be focused to rediscover, promote and discuss the playwright and writer's work and legacy.

Meanwhile, the Center for Theater Research, Documentation and Information Rodolfo Usigli will build a virtual place to house the documentation related to the writer's literary production, while presenting a small exhibition.

 Also, the Ministry of Culture will organize theater street itinerant performances about Elena Garro's dramatic creations, in collaboration with theater schools in Baja California, Mexico City, Chiapas, Morelos, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi and Yucatan, as well as one of the most recognized honoree's play performed in indigenous language.

 In the Guadalajara International Book Fair, the stand of Drama of the Ministry of Culture will be dedicated to present microteatro performances and dramatized readings.

The films based on the play, written by Elena Garro, also will come to towns of Baja California, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Guerrero, Michoacan, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz, through the community program, Cine Sillita .


Mexico,Distrito Federal